MCCD Board Continues Spending Money Where the People Aren’t

The McHenry County Conservation District board continued its practice of buying property about as far away from the population center as possible.

This time, using state grant money, according to a Northwest Herald article by Jenn Wiant, the Conservation District bought “119-acres near Boone Creek Marengo” and a “49-acre parcel about 2 miles south of the state line” in Alden Township.

The Boone Creek purchase is north of Route 20 and east of County Line Road. Presumably the county line is with Boone County.

Most reading McHenry County Blog, I imagine, know that our family lives in the Crystal Lake area.

From the $68.5 million 2001 bond issue, $90,000 was spent within the boundaries of Crystal Lake Grade School District 47, my proxy of the greater Crystal Lake area (which, I freely admit, does not include the Prairie Grove School District, where significant purchases have been made).

Here’s the land purchased with that $68.5 million.

That $90,000 represents 2/10ths of one percent of the tax money collected in District 47 by the Conservation District.

Do you think the District 47 area will get more out of the $73 million bond issue that just passed?

The story concludes, citing district spokeswoman Wendy Kummerer:

“At this point, the conservation district trustees have no plans to add recreational amenities…”

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