CTA Newspaper Crisis

All you have to do is look at the front pages of Chicago’s newspapers to figure out that their editors think taxes ought to be hiked to “save” the CTA.

On Monday the Chicago Tribune ran a front page article entitled,

Transit riders’
Doomsday’ is
all too close

It was a small headline in one column on the lower left hand corner of my Northwest Edition.

On the Monday Metro Section’s front page, there was another headline blaring,

Going to ‘Plan B’ on CTA

The subhead was

Riders have way around cuts

On Wednesday, the Chicago Sun-Times blasts


And, yes, all of the letters are capitals.

“It can’t be that damn hard to run a bus service,”

CTA rider Vicki Rehill snaps underneath that headline.

But there is

“a disturbance in the Force,”

as Yoda would say in “Star Wars.”

The front page of Tribune, on the other had, has a six-column headline saying,

CTA blasted in ’06 crash

NTSB cites bad management, bogus inspection records in Blue Line accident

There does seem to be a mixed message.

Should collar county RTA sales taxes be doubled, no, tripled using the poorly managed CTA as an excuse?

Governor Rod Blagojevich has his solution:

Advance money that otherwise would be paid later this year.

That’ll work.

Just like giving away health care benefits for which there is insufficient money to pay for through a 12-month period.

Build a cliff and the General Assembly will jump off.

Typical Democratic Party solution.

On a completely unrelated note, Mayor Richard Daley noticed rental bikes in Paris.

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