Veterans Transitional Housing Coming to Crystal Lake

Between McHenry Avenue and Van Buren Street are three apartment buildings on Pierson Street.

Pierson is the street parallel to Route 14 behind Tommy’s Red Hots and Ron’s Service Center.

I know the apartment building on the corner of Virginia and Pierson. My wife and I almost rented it from Baxter and Woodman engineer Hal Sundin in 1972. We were ready to sign the lease whenl he said he had the same building on Elmhurst, but that it never had been lived in.

Our second floor unit had two bedrooms, a living room, a smallish kitchen and a bathroom.

Now two of the two end buildings will soon be housing Veterans as part of a NASA (National Association of Systems Administrators) Education effort to get Veterans back into the work force.

NASA President John Blanchard told me at the Camp Algonquin Stand Down his organization sponsored that he was closing on the Virginia Street building at noon on Wednesday.

Once he does, he estimates that there will be transitional living quarters for 32 Vets.

He also hopes to purchase the middle apartment building.

Currently, the only transitional living quarters for Veterans are located in Hebron on Route 47, near the Wisconsin state line.

Needless to say, being able to live in Crystal Lake–with its PACE bus service to jobs and McHenry County College–increases the chances of Veterans becoming independent.

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