Algonquin Fox River Toll Bridge Rolls Forward

David Fitzgerald of the Northwest Herald wrote an article Saturday about the first meeting of the task force which will plan the details for the Fox River Toll Bridge between Routes 25 and 31 near Bolz Road south of downtown Algonquin.

No one has commented under the article.

How different from the pattern of reader participation for McHenry County College’s baseball stadium.

Here is a bridge which is going to cost people money every day of their lives and no one seems to care.

Well, there was one soul who lifted his or her voice on the anonymous call-in line of Elgin’s Daily Courier on Friday. Its editor headlined it,

“Be like Wisconsin.”

“Perhaps Karen McConaughey should contact officials in Wisconsin as to how they don’t have tolls or toll bridges there.

“Illinois is just getting worse and worse. It is sucking citizens dry.

“How does our state to the north survive with free roads?

“This information should be first on the agenda for the board members and village leaders who might approve a toll bridge across the river between Carpentersville and Algonquin.

“Illinois is ridiculous with its tolls.”

Myself, I don’t understand why the leaders involved are not screaming loudly to their legislators as they prepare to finance road building, education and the Chicago Transit Authority with more gambling in Illinois.

We’ll end up second only to Los Vegas in the Chicago area, but our local legislators can’t even pry out this bridge.

And, yes, I know they are working on Western Bypass funding, but that’s a deal made when Illinois FIRST was passed under George Ryan.

It looks like we toll taxpayers will have still another place where our money will disappear.

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