Does It Matter Who Is County GOP Chairman?

So, what’s a county chairman do?

Not much in McHenry County.

Party chairman are supposed to recruit candidates, party workers and volunteers, raise money and energize the troops.

Current McHenry County Republican County Chairman Bill LeFew hasn’t done much of any of that.

In the recruitment of candidates role, he doesn’t seem to have even tried to find someone to run against Democratic Party State Representative Jack Franks (Bull Valley).

He may even have made a deal (formal or informal) with Franks not to field a candidate, if the Democrats don’t challenge State Rep. Mike Tryon (Crystal Lake) or State Senator Pam Althoff (McHenry).

Convenient for the incumbents, but not very good for democracy.

Instead of encouraging people to run for precinct committeeman, LeFew has been satisfied to appoint fill-ins, whether or not they live in the precinct. I think one could argue persuasively that a local resident will generally make a better precinct committeeman than an import. (Crystal Lake Mayor Aaron Shepley, for instance, was first appointed to fill an Algonquin precinct, I think.)

And volunteers?

There used to be three Republican Women’s Clubs in McHenry County:

  • Algonquin Township’s (where Recorder of Deeds Phyllis Walters got her start),
  • McHenry Township’s and
  • one in Dorr Township (the Woodstock area).

Now, there is one, a county group.

McHenry County’s population is about four times as high as it was when these volunteer groups were vibrant.

And the volunteer in charge?

Paid GOP Executive Director Geri Davis.

And, raising money?

The central committee had $1,391.90 in the bank at the beginning of July.

The Democrats had $10,299.68.

McHenry County Republicans are one sick pack of puppies.

There’s not even a Republican Party float in parades. Only candidates show the GOP flag.

Instead of performing the traditional roles of a party leader, LeFew has been more interested in consolidating power.

But there is now a revolt.

LeFew’s email of October 4th, which McHenry County Blog published yesterday, shows that there is discontent about Executive Director Geri Davis, who has held the position since Al Jourdan was party chairman.

So, why would anyone want to take this thankless position?

We’ll get to that tomorrow.

It’s not too late to get involved in deciding who will replace LeFew.

Anyone can run
Republican precinct committeeman.

All it takes are 10 petitions signatures, although I would suggest getting 20. More information can be found here:

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