Pictures Banished by the Infamous Flash

The meeting of the McHenry College Board was almost over.

As MCC board meetings go, it was pretty boring.

No one got censured. No one got counseled.

Former Board President George Lowe as re-elected to the post to replace Scott Summers. Summers had resigned the board presidency after he was censured for refusing to be censored at the Crystal Lake City Council meeting on whether to zone MCC property for a baseball stadium.

He had second thoughts about the projects financial viability and was bold enough to state them in a public forum.

After that, the board members and audience were treated to a history of the college’s master plan. As recently as 2004 or, maybe it was 2005, there was no baseball stadium in the distant plans of the college.

As the meeting was ending Trustee Frances Glosson said this:

“The pictures in this room have been removed due to their sensitivity to the flashes.

“They’ve been put in the vault.”

I hadn’t notices the pictures were gone.

And I certainly didn’t know McHenry County College had a vault.

At least the MCC board didn’t try to banish me to back corners of the room, as did the McHenry County Board.

Of course, the room is so small that it wouldn’t have made much difference. Specifically, I would have been on row three, rather than on row one.

In the interest of satisfying the curiosity of those who wonder what the pictures looked like, I have posted the ones from the meeting at which Scott Summers and Donna Kurtz were censured.

And, on November 15th, new MCC Board President George Lowe expressed his irritation of my flash photography.

“I would ask that flash photography be (stopped) or severely limited,” he said right after the extended and contentious discussion of board and committee minutes.

I noticed that the nails had been taken out of the walls and the walls had been repainted.

Now, if I were posting unflattering pictures or pictures out of context, maybe Lowe would have a reason to be irritated. What he won’t know unless he reads this is that I try to get a picture of each board member and others who speak looking right and another looking left. That way, I can place the person’s photo on either side of the text in a manner I hope will be pleasing to McHenry County Blog’s readers.

If MCC wants to increase the lighting level in the room, the automatic flash on my camera will not go off.

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Pictures on the south wall of the board meeting room are seen in the top flash photograph.

Those on the east or back side of the room are seen in the middle.

The ones on the west side behind where the board president and MCC president sit are at the bottom.

The bottom photo was taken as Trustee Barbara Walters was reading a retirement resolution for Marlene Kopala, whose back can be seen at the lower left hand side of the picture.

All images may be enlarged by clicking on them.

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