Do As I Say, Not As I Do

As I was preparing the links for the story on Bill LeFew’s attempt to hide his sending of the anonymous hit piece, I ran across this article.

It seems more than a little relevant this week.

The article was about anonymous telephone calls attacking State Rep. Jack Franks (D-Bull Valley), among others. The calls were about policy positions of Franks and others, with which the caller, Illinois House Republicans, disagreed.

Probably calls asking if the citizen agreed with a given position, and, if so, to please call Franks and tell him so.

Let me quote from that article:

As Northwest Herald columnist Brian Slupski (one of the NW Herald’s editorial page writers) points out in his Sunday piece, local Republican County Chairman (and County Treasurer) Bill LeFew and State Senator Pam Althoff joined with him in calling for legislation to prohibit such anonymous phone calls.

Does any particular word come to mind?

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