Will Cary and Woodstock Rabid Bats Lead to Resurrection of the Republican Cat Tax?

Rabid bats found in McHenry County.

Can a push to license cats be far behind?

That’s what Keely Cat is wondering.

Yes, we know that the McHenry County Republican Cat Tax, proposed almost two years ago, was strictly a way to raise more money to remodel the animal control facility in Crystal Lake.

But, you know government officials.

They always have things they want to spend money on, even if the expenditure wouldn’t make the cut under any rational set of priorities.

The Badmitten is prepared for another fight, if that’s what it takes.

And, he’ll keep trying to find one flying around our home.

And Cat Dad will continue to point out that the cats most in danger—those in barns—won’t be have to get rabies shots under the county cat taxers’ proposal.

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