Daily Southtown Censures Fran Eaton Column about Planned Parenthood

A column by regular Daily Southtown columnist Fran Eaton, who is my editor on Illinois Review, has been rejected by the new editor.

Fran wrote about her old editor, Tom Houlihan, who was sacked in late July by the Gatehouse newspaper.

Now, her new editor, Karen Sorensen, apparently didn’t like her most recent “Always Right” column.

It was about Planned Parenthood.

You know, the group that just built an abortion mill in Aurora under false pretenses.

The Illinois Family Institute published it under the title,

Protect Your Kids
from Sex-Ed Profiteers

Eaton presents a weight loss analogy:

“Instead of forcing them to eat broccoli and carrots, why not entice them to eat smaller portions of fatty foods and take vitamins to prevent damage?” she writes.

Planned Parenthood, of course, assumes no one can remain chaste.

Since the teens and subteens are going to have sex anyway, why not get your junior high school to hire Planned Parenthood to tell them how to do it safely?

It would be like

“…the local school board’s (hiring)…weight loss counselors (to)… begin teaching junior high-ers about nutrition by bringing in fresh-baked pizzas and ice-cold pop. ‘Now, if you decide to eat broccoli, good for you,’ they’d say, ‘but we know most of you will choose to eat pizza and lots of it because it tastes sooo good. Just remember, if you put on weight, lose interest in school, become depressed, and need help, Jenny Craig or Nutri-System will be there for you.’”

“So it is with how we’re teaching our kids about healthy sexual behavior,” Eaton continued.

She ends her column:

“As of this week, Governor (Rod) Blagojevich has chosen for the second year to defund Illinois‘ abstinence programs. Abstinence education provider Project Reality‘s meager $1.5 million has been zeroed out for the second time. They’ve been forced to look for private funding and are unable to keep up with schools’ demands for abstinence training. Despite recent studies showing abstinence education results in delayed sexual activity and reduced high risk behavior, abstinence ed opponents appear to have won this battle and the governor’s ear.

”Our state tax dollars are now wholly devoted to so-called comprehensive sex education. These classes teach kids as young as 12 how to apply condoms, play stimulating sex games, achieve orgasm, and get their friends to join them. And, in many cases, it’s a faux not-for-profit family planning corporation that provides this intriguing information – Planned Parenthood.”

Fran Eaton is a free lance journalist and political consultant who lives in the south suburbs and attends Parkview Christian Church. She edits IllinoisReview.com, a conservative blog, when she’s not spoiling her five grandchildren. She can be emailed HERE.


Daily Southtown Censures Fran Eaton Column about Planned Parenthood — 2 Comments

  1. Abstinence Only programs have a terrible track record for effectiveness… If you’re interested in preventing teen pregnancy, you need to be realistic and teach then about birth control.

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