Message of the Day – A Cross

Three, in fact.

The uncle and aunt of of bride Elizabeth Robinson Campos were in a mobile home fire at Myrtle Beach earlier in early April.

Mary and Terry Desmond got out just in time, as you can see by photos a neighbor was taking as the conflagration occurred. The fire started in the shelter to the left of the mobile home.

The wind was blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean where they parted their retirement mobile home. The black part at the bottom front of the mobile home is for storage. It had not gotten hot enough to burn yet.

A father and his son who had just arrived at the park noticed the fire and warned the two just in time for them to get out safely, albeit in bed clothes.

The three wooden crosses survived.

The blacked one was on the dash board. I couldn’t see it well enough when I put it on the car trunk, so I re-positioned it on a picture of the blaze.

The one slightly singed was in Mary’s purse.

The one that looks untouched was in their bedroom.

As you can see, the devastation was complete.

Terry filled in for recently deceased Phil Robinson, a gentle man, who was buried on primary election day, in the father-daughter wedding reception dance Saturday night.

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