Taking on the Media

Governor and John McCain Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin is not the first one in her position to take on the media.

Last night, she said,

“I’ve learned quickly these last few days that, if you’re not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone.


“But — now, here’s a little newsflash. Here’s a little newsflash for those reporters and commentators: I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion. I’m going to Washington to serve the people of this great country.”

In September, 1970, Maryland Governor and Richard Nixon Vice Presidential candidate Sprio Agnew, told the California GOP state convention:

“In the United States today, we have more than our share of the nattering nabobs of negativism. They have formed their own 4-H Club — the ‘hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history.'”

No one asked whether he came up with either alliteration himself, by the way.

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Incidentally, when Richard Nixon announced Spiro Agnew as his choice for vice president in 1968, I was in the Cook County Republican Headquarters. No one knew who he was.

Because I was born in Maryland, I knew he was that state’s governor.

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