The GOP Convention as a Soap Opera

It’s obvious that the day-after-Barak-Obama’s-acceptance-speech announcement of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s selection was planned to steal Labor Day Weekend talk from Obama.

Previously, I suggested that the revelation of Sarah Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy was also planned.

It certainly sucked the air out of Barack Obama’s campaigning.

About as much as Obama’s Kindergarten Class 101 World Affairs tour of Iran and Europe.

Now comes the announcement that daughter Bristol’s boyfriend, baby’s father and announced future husband 18-year old Levi Johnston will join at the Republican National Convention. In fact, he already has arrived.

Sounds like a soap opera to me.

I never was into soap operas.

But, I know lots of people are.

Would I be considered sexist to suggest that most of them are women?

Our new minister at the First United Methodist Church of Crystal Lake, Steve Bullmer, spent July outlining his life in soap opera style.

First came “The Young and the Restless.”

He told of how the Methodist Church in the United States has been ailing since he was confirmed at age 12 in 1965. Every year since 1964 it has lost members. The restless part of the sermon was about how bored he was when his father took him to hear a preacher at First Church Evanston. He saw,

“Everyone in the balcony was doing one of two things. Either they were sleeping … or they were talking to their neighbor … during the sermon!”

His father explained,

“Some people are here just to be seen…”

“From that day on I have had what I call ‘a holy discontent for the status quo,’ and I want to change it,” Bullmer told the congregation.

We missed this first sermon because we were visiting my sister’s family in Missouri. Missed the next one, too, so I had to read them to find out what kind of a minister had arrived from the Marengo United Methodist Church.

I’m having fun writing about Bullmer’s soap opera life, so I’ll give you some more later this week.

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Services at the First United Methodist Church (at the corner of West Crystal Lake Avenue and Dole, both of which intersect with Route 14 at a stop light) are 5 PM on Saturday and 8 AM, 9:30 AM and 11 AM. The 9:30 service is the most traditional. The 11 o’clock one is the most contemporary.

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