Elmhurst Allows Rolling Eyes

Elmhurst will allow audience members to roll their eyes at city council actions.

If you go searching on Google images for rolling eyes, you’ll find my photo of Crystal Lake Mayor Aaron Shepley’s reaction to a remark by Councilman Jeff Thorsen right up there among the picks.

That immediately came to mind when I read that someone on the Elmhurst City Council didn’t like it when a constituent rolled his or her eyes during a council meeting.

Crystal Lake Mayor Aaron Shepley

Such sensitive feelings must that council member have had.

“We must ban rolling eyes” seemed to be the council reaction.

Now, the Chicago Tribune reports that rolling eyes will be allowed.

Something about the First Amendment, I think.

This doesn’t rise to the level of the mosque, that is, cultural center, proposed a couple of blocks from where the World Trade Center once existed, but permission comes from the same part of the U.S. Constitution.

= = = = =
I tried to get the red out of Shepley’s eyes and failed.  If anyone can do,  please email me the results and I’ll post them instead of this version.


Elmhurst Allows Rolling Eyes — 1 Comment

  1. GREAT photo Cal…….. my very immature mind is really wandering!!!! I was going to behave myself, but, I just can’t, sorry folks…

    So, who was beneath the Mayors desk? Or, was the good Mayor all alone when you ‘captured the moment!’

    Lord please forgive me!!! I just couldn’t resist!

    (“I’ll be right there Nurse Ratchet…. sorry gotta run. Time for the “lithium shots!”‘)

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