Working Crystal Lake County Board District 3 and Organizing for Pat Quinn

Terry Kappel knocking on dorrs for Lori McConville in Nunda Township Precinct 13.

Leaving the First United Methodist Church on West Crystal Lake Avenue I saw Democratic Party activist Terry Kappel walking toward town.

Not knowing whether he was knocking on doors or might want a ride, I doubled back to ask.

Kappel was knocking on doors, helping out Lori McConville’s County Board campaign, among others.

Mike Debrancesco walked across West Crystal Lake Avenue to find out waht Terry Kappel was "selling."

As we were talking, Mike Defrancesco from across the street walked over to ask what Kappel was selling. When he found out it was the Democratic Party, he announced his and his wife Sharon’s allegiance and took the literature pack.

Kappel had asked me if I was going to stop over at the Colonial Cafe to see Democratic Party Lt. Governor candidate Sheila Simon.

With main atractiion Sheila Simon having left, the b ack room at Colonia Cafe was emptying out.

I had a birthday luncheon that started before the 3 o’clock start time and lasted until after Simon had already departed.

I did hear that about 22 people attended the organizing meeting that Pat Quinn Field Coordinator Gloria Wiekert Of Roscoe had put together.

Pat Quinn Field Coordinator Gloria Wickert and local Democratic Party activist Terry Kappel agreed to a picture, but not before getting a Quinn yard sign to dsiplay.

She told me Simon would be back in the area and told me she would email me when she was coming.

So far I don’t have a photo of the candidate.


Working Crystal Lake County Board District 3 and Organizing for Pat Quinn — 4 Comments

  1. Sometimes I feel I am a racecar driver with all the buttons and stickers I wear while canvassing.

    It’s great fun pitching in and helping others.

    Maybe the Republicans will do that one day. They pitch in, but mostly seem to be out to help themselves — to me anyway.

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