Mark Booras Walking Precincts in District 2

Taking me up on my offer to let people know what candidates are doing in McHenry County, District 2 Democratic Party County Board candidate Mark Booras has emailed me his walk card with this message:

We have been canvassing one precinct per week in District 2; the campaign is going better than expected.

Here is a link to my campaign website:

At the bottom of the homepage you’ll find a link to the streaming video of Ken, Donna, and myself at a candidate forum hosted by the NWHerald a few weeks ago.

Also, the walk card includes my cell number and campaign email address.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

I assume that means not only I can call, but you, too, if you have questions.

You see the Booras walk piece, which appears suited to be mailed as well, below:
You can enlarge either image by clicking on it.

Booras is promoting himself as “A New Voice for McHenry County Board.”

“We need government that is honest and serves everyonee, not just special interests” is the subhead.

Below are his bullet points:

  • I will represent you with integrity and fairness.
  • I believe in open and transparent government, and I will support increased scrutiny of the economic interests of public officials.
  • I strongly oppose pay increases for public officials.
  • I will not be a rubber-stamp board member.  I will ask questions and demand answers.
  • We should never have to choose between a healthy environment and economic security.  we deserve both.

On the other side Booras says, “The Choice is Clear,” over a repeat of “A New Voice.”

Then appears,

The future of McHenry County depends on your vote.

Have you noticed local government no longer seems interested in representing the best interests of ordinary citizens?  I want to change that.  I’m not a politician.  I’m just a family man who wants to give my neighbors a real voice and a real choice this November.  We don’t have to settle for business as usual.  If you agree we need a new voice on the County Board, please vote for me.

“Community Service” listed includes

  • Public Action to Deliver Shelter (PADS)
  • Youth Ministry (AWANAS)
  • Taught job skills to Pioneer Center clients.

Offered as “Leadership” are the following:

  • I will protect our environment and ground water, and fight for justice for the cancer victims in McCullom Lake.
  • I will support efforts to bring high quality jobs to McHenry County.
  • I will oppose favoritism and special favors for the well-connected and politically powerful.
  • Most important of all, I will listen to you.


Mark Booras Walking Precincts in District 2 — 3 Comments

  1. Is this some kind of formulaic piece made by the Democratic Party for stealth Democrats who are so incapable of making a realistic and coherent argument on ANY real issues in this county they actually share material while changing the photos?

    I haven’t seen a qualified or reasonably experienced individual step forward and proudly proclaim their party affiliation with the Democratic Party in local races yet.

    Is this because they know for an absolute certainty the platform of this party has driven this nation, this state and many counties into a debt ridden, government service choking and future stealing debt?

    Is it because they know their disingenuous words will fall upon an educated and active population rather than the sheep they are used to fleecing?

    I don’t doubt the heart of the individuals running for office. I’m sure they are fine people with lovely intentions.

    It is obvious, however, these people are being used by a party who has no interest in this county save for the money still in our coffers due to the excellent management to date.

    I just feel bad for them.

  2. How honest are Dems who say they won’t protect special interests when the union bosses control the Dem Party?

    Dems are all about their special interests. Vote for Dems if you want the public employeees unions to control every part of your life especially how much taxes you are going to pay to them.

    Booras is another Dem deceiver. He will tell you whatever it takes to get a vote. Then do whatever his liberal elitist friends and union bosses tell him to do once in office.

  3. It is time to clean up America. Vote out ALL incumbents. I don’t care if you are Democrat or Republican.

    Both parties are to blame with career politicans. We have them here in McHenry county. $$$

    I strongly support term limits.

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