Which County Board Members Filed ALAW’s Disclosure Form Last Spring?

An issue ALAW set forth during the primary election caught fire.

It was an income and a potential conflict of interest disclosure form which most county board candidates voluntarily filled out.

Since before the primary election county board members have been trying to figure out how to enact something like it.

So far they have not done so and the November election is just around the corner.

The Alliance for Land, Agriculture and Water is now reminding people which people were willing to reveal potential conflicts of interest and who wasn’t.

You see the results below:

This shows only incumbents. Click to enlarge.

Challengers who filed out the forms and won the primary election include

  • Donna Kurtz (R-District 2)
  • Jeff Thirtyacre (D-District 4)
  • Frank Wedig (District 5)
  • Diane Evertson (District 6)

District 1’s Bob Nowak is the only victorious challenger who did not fill out ALAW’s disclosure form.

Two Democrats on the ballot were not put there through the primary election process. Their party’s caucused them in and they, under new rules designed to make it tougher to put candidates on the ballot who did not run in the primary, were forced to gather signatures later.

They have both filled out ALAW’s conflict of interest questionnaire. They are

  • Mark Booras of District 2
  • Dennis Palys of District 6

= = = = =
Roll calls on the Federal Stimulus Bond allocations are here.

Roll calls on land use are here.


Which County Board Members Filed ALAW’s Disclosure Form Last Spring? — 1 Comment

  1. You gotta love that Northwest Herald. They had new article in yesterday’s paper about the MCC Forum.

    Nygren makes a stupid comment (that they would not print).

    The biggest problem the Sheriff’s Dept faces is TRAFFIC, according to Keith Nygren. Mahon got it right by answering, heroin.

    Lost of negative comments yesterday and time left on the article.

    Today, I challenge you to find the article.

    Not even listed on “More Local Headlines” by date.

    It must be great running for office and having your own personal news paper.

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