SportsPlex Opponents Mail Second Postcard

A second postcard arrived November 15h from SportsPlex opponents.

A second anti-SportsPlex post card arrived at my Lakewood mailbox today.

It warns residents of higher taxes if the McHenry County SportsPlex is built.

It mentions the village’s golf course, saying it cost residents $500 in property taxes.

Make that $500 per year for pretty much a decade. We are still paying off the bonds.

The opponents, Concerned Citizens of McHenry County, put forth the figure of $6.5 million of “incurred/anticipated” costs and ask,

Could this cost each Lakewood resident $4,000?”

“”We have documentation to back up all of our statements!”

That’s the message at the bottom of the address side.

On the other side


is seen in capital and underlined letters.

A meeting at an unannounced place and time is promoted on this side of th postcard.

It warns Lakewood residents that the “developers want $16 million more.”

Pointing out that previous information has been claimed to be inaccurate, readers are directed to the group’s web site, which is found at (The original has a typo which I have corrected.) The phone number 815-3382-7836 is also given, along with this email address:


SportsPlex Opponents Mail Second Postcard — 1 Comment

  1. LOL! The original had a typo and you correct it with yet another written typo! (although your hyperlink does get readers there)

    At least now we all know where to dump our leaves and old Christmas trees in January (on Meridian Street)

    Have you dug into the info on their website yet?

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