Abboud Calls for Truth Telling

In a missive sent out today, Barrington Hills Village President Bob Abboud calls on opponents to his slate to “Tell the Truth.” His own words follow:

Stieper and CSP Should Tell The Truth

Bob Abboud speaking the the McHenry County Democratic Central Committee during his congressional campaign in 2008.

Telling the truth in a campaign is a litmus test for a candidate’s moral compass. We expect our local candidates to be truthful and up front on their intentions.

Mr. Stieper calls for radical change in how Barrington Hills spends money. Today, every budget, every dollar of expenditure is put before the Board in a public roll call vote per state statute. So Stieper proposes violating state law?

Stieper and CSP call for cutting expenses on attorneys, suggesting disconnection issues. The truth is that because of our tough stand we have not spent money on disconnections in more than 2 years as developers no longer challenge our community. They should tell you we spend less than 10% of budget on attorneys, mainly for prosecution of police issues and normal building and zoning activities.

Should we not prosecute drunk drivers? Should we not plow snow?

Maybe weaken our police department?

Wamberg has already disconnected prime commercial tax generating property west of Hart Road. I was the lone vote against this disconnection when first elected to the Board. Their development subsequently failed and we permanently lost the tax revenue.

CSP should tell you about their $130,000+ in campaign money, much from developers. They want to high density ‘feather’ the 51 miles of the Village border making up 70% of the Village land mass reaching even to Otis Road. Feathering is worth hundreds of millions to developers at the expense of your property value and life style.

Tell the truth Stieper and CSP.

Robert G. Abboud
President, Barrington Hills, IL
President, RGA Labs, Inc.


Abboud Calls for Truth Telling — 4 Comments

  1. Abboud could tell the truth and say how he supports teachers in his district getting 23 sick days a year. Or how working for 6 years they are entitled to a one year sabbatical.

    This is what happens when Democrats like Abboud take over government and then proclaim they have a “right” to abuse taxpayers.

  2. Come on Abboud, come out and say how you want union teachers in your district to get paid a $39,600 giveaway when they retire, as what’s now written in their contract.

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