Special Prosecutor Henry Tonigan Bills $90,783 More

Henry Tonigan

Thomas McQueen

Henry Tonigan, the Special Prosecutor named by then-Associate Judge Gordon Graham to probe political use of the State’s Attorney’s Office by Lou Bianchi, has billed again.

This time it is his associate, Thomas McQueen, who was the big winner.

He bagged $48,120.60 more than twice as much as his boss, Tonigan.

Tonigan, at least titularly the guy in charge of the investigation, only billed $21,798.74.

The agency doing the ground work, Quest, put in for almost as much, $20,873.

Judge Graham’s court order is below:

Note that the bill is only for services rendered in August, September, October and November.

The three months’ bill for December, January and February is still outstanding.

= = = = =

Photo credits: Pete Gonigan, First Electric Newspaper.


Special Prosecutor Henry Tonigan Bills $90,783 More — 5 Comments

  1. We should be darn thankful for this blog that presents a much better picture of politics in McHenry County!

    What a travesty it is that one judge could do such a great favor for his buddies at our expense. It is highly probable that these favors are returned.

  2. Lou Bianchi did the favor for Henry Tonigan. If Lou commits a crime that needs to be investigated and prosecuted, someone will be paid to pursue the case whether Henry Tonigan or someone else.

    And, Irene, you are not furthering our cause by blindly supporting Lou. Many of us pro-lifers are NOT on the same side of the Bianchi fiasco as you. Let’s not divide our important work over personal friendships.

  3. Why “Ghostrider,” are you questioning the “Almighty Queen” herself?

    Don’t you know that you’re not truly ProLife, UNLESS, you submit to ALL of Napier’s ideals.

    Those being, you must be a ‘supreme being’ worthy of Napier’s self subscribed sense of being the chosen one here on earth.

    Irene Napier is a political extortionist hiding behind that cross she seemingly believes she has ‘hung’ upon, thus you must buy into her entire agenda or you are not worthy of calling yourself Pro Life.

    Irene Napier has chased away more worthy Pro Life faithful than she has ever recruited for “Gods Children.”

    She builds her opinion of what Pro Life means based on issues non related to the core meaning of Pro Life..

    She utilizes tactics such as “Guilt,” which Political Party a person belongs to, and what church you attend….Lets see, Napier utilizes Guilt and Shame and “Judgment” of others..

    I don’t suppose you are a Catholic, are you Ms. Napier… Im sorry, I mean Mrs. Napier.

  4. Big Bird sounds a lot like the Sheriff or his wife. Probably the later. Maybe Mr. Nealson?

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