Terry Ekl’s Opening Statement Notes on Lou Bianchi’s Behalf

Terry Ekl is McHenry County State’s Attorney Lou Bianchi’s defense attorney in Special Prosecutor Henry Tonigan’s criminal case contending that Bianchi used the office for political purposes.

Rockford Judge Joseph McGraw prohibited people from entering the courtroom even though the Circuit Court Clerk sent me a posting that said the trial was scheduled to start at 10 AM, leaving me and reporters from the Chicago Tribune and First Electric Newspaper sitting outside for almost an hour until a mid-morning break, I asked both Ekl and Thomas McQueen who delivered the prosecution’s opening statement if I might have their notes to share with McHenry County Blog readers.

McQueen said his would be hard to decipher, but Ekl provided the following (any page may be enlarged by clicking on it):


Terry Ekl’s Opening Statement Notes on Lou Bianchi’s Behalf — 4 Comments

  1. Obviously, we owe a debt of gratitude to Cal for all his effort and dedication to the tax payers of McHenry County.

    I cannot imagine the amount of work this takes Cal. Please know many very much respect and appreciate what you are contributing.

    This level of service is unfounded in any Big print medium that people pay for.

    Thank you Cal.

  2. This blog should replace the Northwest Herald. Or more accurately put, it does.

    Cal, what are your feeling about the NWH characterizing the defense as “downplaying” “hidden” files. Is there any slant there?

  3. They can’t say they thought it was legal because when I called about Burton Township Highway commissioner put campaign signs on Township property they said it was agaisnt the law.

    So they now what is right and wrong.

    If Lou didn’t tell them to do it on work time, and they did it on their own accord than they are wrong, not Lou.

    And then they should be charged.

  4. Jeff,

    I agree with you this conduct was illegal. Do I have to pay $312,000+ for those violations too?

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