New State Rep. Maps Appear on Speaker’s Web Site – But They Are From 2001

The sentence that contains the word "NEW" is flashign on the Speaker's redistricting web site.

Go figure.

There are two reapportionment web sites out there.

The 2001 is still active and that’s what I happened upon last night before I wrote the article below, which might be useful for historical purposes but has nothing to do with the map being drawn by Democrats this year.

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The House Speaker’s reapportionment web site seems to have new maps.

Well, they definitely have different maps, but there’s no way to figure out how new, because the date of the new maps is nowhere to be found.

No way to ask at 10 o’clock because the email doesn’t work.

But there is a new map for McHenry County which does pretty much what people at the public hearing requested.

The poor side of Carpentersville, which I pointed out in the reapportionment hearing in Marengo has nothing in common with the current McHenry County part of Mike Tryon’s 64th District is no longer part of it.  It remains part of Democrat Keith Farhnam’s 43rd District.

Below on the left you can see the current map for the three state representatives for McHenry County.  District 63 is Jack Franks’, District 64 is Mike Tryon’s and District 52 is Mark Beaubien’s.

The 2001 state rep. map lines, according to Mike Madigan's web site. Don't ask me what that bump into McHenry County is. It doesn't exist on other maps of the 64th District.

The proposed 2011 district lines for state reps.

And, it looks a lot like the map now, at least in this county.

Version two of the new map for McHenry County is below:

This map is labeled Currie II after Bilandic amendment. I found it 5-16-11. Mike Tryon's district does not dip into the poorer part of Carpentersville in this version. Click to enlarge.

Here is the current map:

Here's the current map for McHenry County's legislative districts. Really hard to tell the differences.

Here’s the first attempt at a new map:

Currie's first draft gave Carpentersville east of the Fox River to Mike Tryon. The new version does not. Click to enlarge.

Here’s the Downstate map on the web site. Is it new or old?

Here are lines for the whole state. No indication of a date. I presume it is the new map, because I found another one dated 2001. Click to enlarge.

Below is an enlargement of the Chicago metropolitan part of the above map:

Again. This is the undated map I found Monday, May 16, 2011, on the House Speaker's reapportionment web site.


New State Rep. Maps Appear on Speaker’s Web Site – But They Are From 2001 — 2 Comments

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