Illinois Number 16 in School Taxes


New statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau’s “Survey of Local Government Finances,” page 11, about school spending in 2008-9 has been published.  I have published the US averages, plus the figures down to the 20th ranking state ranked on total spending, which is Indiana.

Illinois is number 18, in elementary and secondary revenue, while Wisconsin is 19th.

There is no indication on the page of what the $12,457 means.  I assume it is per pupil data, but there is nothing on the page that verifies that.

Illinois is 12th in money from Federal sources at $1,581.

It is 48th out of the 50 states in state support with $3,722 coming in State Aid to Education.

Tenth is the ranking of this state for money from local sources, that is, property taxes.  The  figure is $7,154.  (In future years, some of the local money will be from locally-approved sales taxes.)

The table shows $10,835 under the heading of “Total Elementary-Secondary Revenue.”

Spending figures are also given.

$6,330 is Illinois total, ranking 20th.  Again, I am assuming this is for each student.  The national average is $6,369.

For salaries, Illinois ranks 20th at $4,338.  For benefits, we are 21st at $1,421.

For General Administration, Illinois is 2d with $453 being spent for every child.  I supposed this includes the State Board of Education and the offices of the elected Regional Superintendents of Schools.

For school administration, Illinois ranks below average at $447 per pupil.  This seems to belie



Illinois Number 16 in School Taxes — 3 Comments

  1. The IEA teachers union loves to tell teachers that IL is 48th in State Aid to Education.

    What the IEA fails to mention to teachers is that IL is 10th in Local Funding.

    The founding fathers of IL placed greater emphasis on local control, rather than state control.

    The teachers fight me on this point to no end. They insist that 48th number includes local funding.

    Now I have some statistical proof.

    The IEA union is purposefully skewing the statistics, as far as I’m concerned.

  2. Dear Cal, Illinois is not the 18th State. D.C. is not a State.

    There are huge give-monies-away in Democrat states. Hawaii is being irrelevant for being hugely expensive.

    There is NO sales tax or income tax in New Hampshire.

  3. I would love to see a chart that also had performance to see how much “value” we get from our money.

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