McHenry County College Crosses to Symbolize Daily Abortions in America

A press release from the McHenry County College Pro-life Students:

McHenry County College Pro-life student organization to hold an event November 9, 2011, to raise awareness on campus and in the community about the frequency of abortions in America

Crystal Lake, IL, November 7, 2011: A Cemetery of the Innocents will be on display at MCC, adjacent to the cafeteria, beginning around 7am.

The 2010 MCC Cemetery of the Innocents.

The event will continue throughout the entire day on November 9, 2011.

This event is being sponsored by the Students Supporting the Right to Life, which is a pro-life student organization at McHenry County College. All community members are welcomed and encouraged to take a few minutes to come and see this display.

Cemetery of the innocents is a display representing the total number of abortions that occur in America each day.

Similar events have been held on college campuses around the country, and this is the second time it will be displayed at MCC.

More than 53 million lives have been lost to abortion in America, since 1973.

This event will serve to make the community more aware of the frequency at which abortions are occurring and help bring the attention of every community member towards the pressing need to take action.


McHenry County College Crosses to Symbolize Daily Abortions in America — 8 Comments

  1. Big vote in MS today. It’s sad that “personhood” is open to such wide interpretation, but let’s hope the voters do the right thing!

  2. perhaps a similar display could be used to pay homage to the estimated 10,677 children abused by priests

  3. What about all the children abused by parents who didn’t want them in the first place.

    All anti-abortion advocates should be volunteering to help these children, not sitting in judgement of others.

  4. Shawn,

    One of my biggest concerns with the “personhood” definition is that it could possibly have unintended and what I see as over-reaching results.

    For example, what about IUD’s and other forms of birth control that don’t necessarily prevent fertilization but do prevent implantation?

    There are a large number of pregnancies that are actually naturally aborted before the women even know they are pregnant, would these women be subject to punishment?

    What impact would this definition have on in vitro fertilization?

    It’s a challenging issue and there are many aspects that are difficult to clearly define and regulate.

    I think we also need to be concerned with imposing our personal morals on other individuals.

  5. Dear “Change isn’t Happening”,

    Many pro-life people like myself ARE helping these children by adoption and foster care.

    I personally don’t believe that there are any unwanted children.

    A mother on one side of town may not be able to care for her child but there are many, many on the other side of town waiting with open arms. I personally know several.

    The “unwanted child” argument is just propaganda created by the abortion industry.

    If you want to cut down on the number of abortions in this country, publish the obituaries in the newspapers for these murdered babies. Everyone will know who the parents are and the horrific end that their preborn child met.

  6. So when does life begin? At conception? When the baby’s heart starts beating (around four weeks)? At the 16-20 week mark when the baby can likely survive outside the womb? Not until the baby is actually born? If you believe in one of the last two definitions, I don’t think you have medical science on your side, but at least you can make a logical case, in your own mind, for legal abortion. I believe, based on sound moral and scientific reasoning, that life begins at conception; therefore, I can’t logically justify the willful termination of that innocent human life under any circumstances. What defies logic is when someone believes an embryo, fetus, etc., is in fact a human life, but also believes it’s OK to terminate that life under certain circumstances.

    The astonsishing thing to me is that even the State of Illinois bestows “personhood” on the unborn, yet abortion is perfectly legal in Illinois with very few restrictions. I am a police officer, and before taking a promotion I was assigned as a detective. I once investigated a case of potential homicide of an unborn child- the father allegedly battered the mother, causing her to miscarry. A subpoena of medical records revealed the mother actually began the abortion process about a week prior to the alleged domestic abuse. She decided not to go through with it, but the drug used to open her cervix prior to the extraction of the fetus had already been administered. The medical opinion was that this caused the miscarriage, not the alleged domestic battery. A sad story any way you slice it. But the most sickening and mind-boggling part of it is the fact that we went from potentially charging the father with homicide, to writing it off as a perfectly legal abortion.

    The in-vitro issue is not lost on me, as very dear friends were able to have a child that way. After a couple miscarriages, the implantation of the final fertilized egg was a success and they had a beautiful daughter. “Natural abortions” (miscarriages) are obviously very different than the willful termination of a pregnancy, and I really can’t believe that argument still gets presented. Anyway, the important part of my friends’ story is that they were willing to have all of the children that would have been produced by the in-vitro process; they weren’t going to just have one or two, and let the other embryos be destroyed.

  7. I have a lot of respect for the life of children and would never have an abortion myself but I am concerned about the personhood debate as it pertains to the availablity of birth control (in a variety of methods).

    Is there any gaurantee that the availability of birth control pills and IUD’s would not be affected by the definition of personhood becoming the moment of fertilization?

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