McSweeney’s Sixth Mailing Concentrates on Red Light Cameras as “Big Brother”

State Rep. candidate Dave McSweeney is taking on “Big Brother” in his latest direct mail piece.

This is number six.

Appointed State Rep. Kent Gaffney has not sent out at campaign-financed mailing.  Neither has challenger Danielle Rowe.

The content is below (click to enlarge):

McSweeney pledges to follow State Senator Dan Duffy’s lead in fighting red light cameras. Duffy did not support the appointment of Gaffney to fill State Rep. Mark Beaubien’s seat.


McSweeney’s Sixth Mailing Concentrates on Red Light Cameras as “Big Brother” — 12 Comments

  1. Sorry, but McSweeney is wrong on this one. If drivers run red lights (while a camera is watching), they deserve tickets.

    After cameras have been installed for a while, drivers do become more careful. Sure they fear a $100 ticket in the mail. They ought to. If that’s what makes them slow down and stop on a yellow light, then so be it.

    Remember the driver who squawked a while back and even posted the link to the video of his violation? It clearly showed the violation! It was nowhere near borderline. He clearly had run a red light!

  2. I have to agree with Allen. I know that several towns pulled the RLC because of exactly that. The cars turning on red or being past the stop line in the intersection, while waiting for traffic to clear and completing legal turn. The red light sees that as a violation.

    In both instances the people that are making a LEGAL turn are inconvenienced and often must take off from work to defend the violation.

    The same hold true with speed enforcement. A machine does not reason and can not make discretion call. This is a private company selling the idea to villages that they will MAKE MONEY.

  3. Gus- I figured you’d be pro RLCs cuz of your passion for following the Rulez of Da Road.

    And in some cases, I even agree with you. However, not in this case. Its another money-grab, like with seatbelts. It’s all about da munnie!

    What would happen if I decided to “test the system” and roll thru an RLC and wave my 1/2 empty 40 ouncer of C45 at da camera?

    Would I get an open liquor ticket too?

    Don’t think so Buster. DOH!

  4. I have nothing against RLC’s IF the money were allocated differently.

    Why not take the revenue generated by the RLC’s and put that money into a school fund and reduce the yearly property taxes based on the “extra money”.

    That would help the local taxpayers out and we might actually believe that they are more than just cash cows and actually for safety.

    They won’t do that though because they are nothing more than revenue generators.

    Additionally they increase the worst type of accidents, rear end collisions because people slam their brakes at Yellow!

  5. Big Brother is watching. In Crystal Lake, we just got new street lights. Are they the lights that record and broadcast with speaker systems and motion sensors? Is that the real reason they decided to ‘upgrade’ the Route 14 corridor?

  6. I am not a RLC supporter, but my wish is for people to simply obey the laws. I know the extra caution I used making right turns on red with a RLC watching. Like sprinkler mandates on new construction, someone is convincing local governments to use these things.

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