Kent Gaffney Positions Self as “Budget Expert,” Not “Another Politician”

Here’s the latest mailing from State Rep. Kent Gaffney in his campaign to retain the seat to which he was appointed when State Rep. Mark Beaubien died.  Gaffney is being challenged by Dave McSweeney and Danielle Rowe.

In this mailing, Gaffney says that he is a “budget expert,” not a politician.

If you want to read the details in Gaffney’s mailing, just click on the image you wish to enlarge.


Kent Gaffney Positions Self as “Budget Expert,” Not “Another Politician” — 6 Comments

  1. You mean our local Republican Chairman appointed him because he was a budget expert? Right? Good Grief Charlie!

    By the way Charlie where was your candidate during the appointment process? Was he still getting over the second Congressional race that he lost?

  2. All of the good ole boy politicians support him!!

    Seriously, does he think we are all idiots??

  3. “FYI,” I believe he has every right to think we are all idiots, look who we’ve elected time and time again to run McHenry County?

    Why should he think this time will be any different?

    Stupid is as stupid does, and McHenry County seemingly “Does!”

  4. FYI, just because he actually has local support doesn’t change the fact that he has never been elected to any office and that Mr. Gaffney is largely considered to be an expert in Illinois Government Finances.

    This is why he was appointed to replace Representative Beaubien, there is a little problems in Springfield and a budget expert might help!?

    What we definitely do not need in Springfield is more Bank of America Budgeting.

    Any more of that and those who survived the home foreclosure crisis my not survive the looming financial crisis in Illinois.

  5. Carlie – once you owe the “good ole boys”, there is no end to the payback.

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