Michael Rein Answers ALAW’s McHenry County Board Questionnaire

Woodstock District 5 challenger Michael Rein relies to the Questionnaire of the Alliance of Land, Agriculture and Water below.

Michael Rein

ALAW County Board Candidates Survey: 2012 Primary Election

A. Land Use

1. Do you agree that new development should be located where infrastructure exists, to minimize the extension of new roads, utilities and services, and protect farmland andwater recharge areas? Agree

2. If elected, will you support permanent protection of agricultural land and the
agricultural industry in the Count?  Yes

3. Do you agree or disagree that new rural development costs more for the extension of infrastructure (roads, water, sewer and services) than it brings to the County in taxes and that those extra costs are assed on to the existing taxpayers?  Agree

B. Water Resources

1. Would you oppose any land use change that would exceed a locally recharged
aquifer’s capacity?  Yes

2. If elected will you enforce use of the SARA – Sensitive Aquifer Recharge Areas map developed by the County Water Resources Department, as a determining factor in every land use change decision?  Yes

3. Do you support redistributing groundwater from water-rich areas to areas that have over drawn their groundwater?  No

4. In your 0pinion, will McHenry County ever be able to get Lake Michigan water?  No

C. The Role of Count Government

1. Should the county provide support services to municipal governments, for example issuing and enforcing municipal building permits, administering and enforcing the Storm Water ordinance?  No

2. Do you support a county housing program where the county purchases, constructs, remodels, rents, sells homes throughout the count and in municipalities?  No

Michael Rein gives closing remarks at the YR Canidates Forum.

3. Do you support a county bus program, where the county takes over responsibility for established service between select cities and townships?  Yes

4. Should the county health department report to the county board as opposed to an independent board of directors?  Yes

5. Do you think county government should increase expenditures and the scope of its activities, which will increase taxes to its residents? Yes

Transparency and Commitment

1. County board records indicate that the average number of meetings necessary for attendance by a County Board Member is 8. This includes two full board meetings a month and two meetings a month for each committee (generally three) the member is assigned. Are you able and willing to make the commitment to represent your constituents to this extent? Yes

2. During the last primary election 32 candidates for county offices voluntarily filled out the ALAW initiated Statement of Economic Interests BEFORE the election. This form is now required once you are elected, but we need to know before we elect you. Will you follow suit and file yours with us now? (Form attached with mailing instructions.)  Yes

3. Do you agree that all scheduled county meeting agendas and minutes, including committee and sub-committees, should be posted on the County web site?  Yes

4. Would you have voted to raise the county board members salaries? No

5. Would you have voted to increase the real estate tax levy by 1.5% thus increasing the amount of real estate tax collected by the county by $1.1 ml.?  No

E. Short Answer. Only the number of words indicated will be published in the response report. (please add a page if you need more room, but remember that we can only print the number of words indicated and reserve the right to edit your response for that reason. Thank you.)

1. If you are elected to serve the residents of McHenry County, what external state and local
agencies do you think are important for the county to liaison with and how would you make sure that information is flowing both ways with that agency? If you are currently serving and are an appointed liaison, please tell us what agency you are assigned and how you accomplish effective two-way communication. (50 words)

I think the biggest thing that does need to be addressed is working with our local municipalities about finding ways to keep our groundwater from depleting. Finding programs that work even if its small steps those steps need to be taken just like recycling bins started.

2. By protecting agricultural lands and soil resources, groundwater and its natural recharge can also be protected. What will you do to provide that protection? (50 words)

Providing protection is of utmost importance to our groundwater because without it there is no life to any living thing. I will make sure, the County Board, stay on top of and looking forward to, preserving the groundwater we have and are going to be using in the future.

3. Most municipalities in the county have their own economic development commissions or committees. Economic development has to occur where there is existing infrastructure. The county funds the private McHenry County Economic Development Corporation ($635,985. for the 2009-2012 term) to create development in the county outside of municipalities. Is this a good investment of taxpayer money? (50 words)

I think that there needs to be better over-site ofthe EDC. That goals and planning for the future could be a good asset to the county. However, if the EDC is not producing and being effective than it is not a good investment to the taxpayers.

4. Do you think Fleming Road, Alden Road and other county roads that do not serve highly developed commercial areas, need to be widened and “improved” at this time? (50 words)

No those roads do not need to be widened. The footprint of those roads needs to remain as they are. However those roads need to be repaired as needed and to try to make them last as long as possible from future repairs.

5. What weight should you as a county board member give the opinions of citizens affected by zoning decisions, special use permits and road projects? (50 words)

Michael Rein answers a question at the Young Republicans Candidates Forum.

I think that all the weight should be given to the citizens that are affected by the zoning, permits and road construction. Our county board must always listen to our citizens to help guide us in our decisions.
6. What in your background qualifies you to serve the public as a county board representative and what do you intend to accomplish if elected to the County Board. You may also use this space to provide additional information regarding any of the “yes / no” answers given above. (100 words)

My background of being a Marine Corp Vet, v.p of multi-million dollar construction business, and currently running my own small business gives me a diverse understanding of what the real world is. I will bring common sense solutions to problems whether they are small or of a larger scale. McHenry County must be effective and efficient in all aspects going forward for future generations. I have the leadership, fiscal responsibility and integrity to balance McHenry County growing population in our urban areas but preserving the wide open farmland and conservation areas.

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