29-Years Old Tea Party Working Guy Compares Himself to 29-Year Old Occupy Unemployed Grad Student

It’s a dreary day and when this article showed up  from the Crystal Lake Tea Party, I was intrigued enough to read the piece.

It was written by Ulysses S. Arn and is entitled,

Occupier vs. 29 year old Tea Party Patriot: a tale of two very different people

It tells of Sean Hannity’s interview of Harrison Schultz, an unemployed Occupy Wall Street organizer, a self-identified anarchist, who didn’t want a job unless it paid $80,000 to $100,000 a year.

Lots of student debt, in sociology grad school even though his attendance isn’t keeping him out of war the way perpetual enrollment gave exemption from the Vietnam War.

Harrison Schults, Occupy Wall Street organizer.

Schultz whines worse than his friend’s 6-month old baby, Arn, organizer of the 3rd Anniversary Rockford Tea Party celebration, writes, “Whereas, I am a responsible taxpaying adult whose is trying to save the country from parasitic drones like Harrison.”

The YouTube Hannity May 1, 2012, interview is a hoot.

Illinois Conservatives is Arn’s favorite web site.


29-Years Old Tea Party Working Guy Compares Himself to 29-Year Old Occupy Unemployed Grad Student — 2 Comments

  1. Hannity chopped this guy to pieces.

    Get a real picture of what mentality these “Occupy” people have.

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