Bad Tree

A tree obviously within 20 feet of a power line which State Rep. Jack Franks’ legislation would allow Com Ed to chop down.

I was driving through Ringwood

Chauffeuring my in-laws to their 65th Wedding Anniversary Dinner

We on the way to what turned out to be a very busy Olive Garden,.

Then, I saw one of those trees.

You know the ones.

The ones that “Chainsaw Jack” Franks thinks Commonwealth Edison should have a right to chop down.

Bad tree.

Poor tree.


Bad Tree — 13 Comments

  1. Well when the power goes out due to some dummmmazz planting under the power lines,. please be the first to scream at Com Ed for poor service.

    When I vacation un upper Wis, the trees are all cut back and none a below the lines.

    I think com-ed has a duty to protect the common good and cut them down.

    This example shows in dramatric fashion the stupidity of people.

    Ithink they should just cut it down and be done with it.

  2. 4 days they were in my neighborhood…..3 of those days they spent on my property, thanks for the special attention. In a way they saved me some money 😉

    They did a hatchet job on the trees.

    So much for them being tree huggers.

    I thought Jack had sent his personal welcoming committee because it started the same day that Animal Control was sent to my home to check vaccination records on a dog that belonged to the previous homeowner, my back account was broken into and emptied and Jack Franks’ political signs appeared in front of my headquarters in Woodstock as well as his friends dressed in costume/masks carrying signs that said Pedophiles for Tonya…..that is the McHenry County Political Way.

  3. I believe the sign also said: Cal’s Girl.

    I’m glad Ms. Franklin’s conspiratorial whining nonsense didn’t end with her “campaign.”

  4. Someone broke into your “back” account???

    You’re not paranoid if you KNOW the’re out to get ya!

  5. When folks finally get good and fed up with their power going out every time a storm hits, they might see the wisdom in this.

    As long as power must be transmitted via wires, and those wires must be above ground on poles, those wires must be protected from tree fall.

    Trees have no business anywhere near transmission lines.

    Just ask the folks who suffered through the last 5 day outage when outside temperatures topped 100 degrees.

    How many people have to suffer and die because we tolerate power outages?

    I say “Zero Tolerance” to power outages.

    Trees have an honored place in our landscape, and electric power is essential to our comfort, safety, health and security.

    Trees do not belong under power lines, period.

  6. There are utility easements that allow ComEd to ” trim” aka hack away at the trees and other vegetation.

    It’s unnecessary to give ComEd additional rights to violate these easements.

    These easements are mainly on private property and the owner is paying the real estate taxes. In addition, most of the owner’s vegetation was there before the utility equipment was placed.

    McHenry County Municipalities have “trimming” agreements with ComEd a well.

    ComEd only uses trees as the excuse for power outages.

    Trees alone are not responsible for losing power.

    There are other causes for power loss: ice on lines, construction mishaps , vehicle accidents, utility company’s outdated equipment, to name a few.

  7. Thanks Cal for this article.

    The comments above from Nick Chirikos, Democrat McHenry County Board candidate and historic preservation chairman, shows his allegiance with Jack Franks and ComEd.

    They both show little respect for land owners property.

    Both want to hack down our vegetation.

    I appreciate knowing Mr. Chirikos’ views on this issue in advance of the election.

    What a phony.

  8. Will everbody pleeze use spelchick so we kan unnerstan whatcha mean?

  9. Thank you for your common sense approach, Truth Seeker.

    Too bad it will be lost on the “power brokers” of the county.

  10. Reality Check….I was unable to read the sign.

    I might ask how would you know what it said?

    I actually know who the 2 guys in masks were now.

    Pathetic and many would be surprised to know one of them is an attorney.

  11. Power went out in Crystal Lake because of a brush fire a couple of weeks ago.

    We were at Colonial Cafe when it happened.

    All brush should now be removed as well?

    Wonder how many people die and how much property is destroyed each year from downed power lines?

    Poor trees are getting all the blame.

  12. Need to get rid of cars, too.

    One that ran into a pole cut Lakewood power last week.

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