Democratic Party of Illinois Sends Mailing for Dee Beaubien (Ind.-Madigan)

That’s what a Friend of McHenry County Blog from Cary found on a mailing for Dee Beaubien today.

It was financed by the Illinois Democratic Party.

This is the return address which is perpendicular to the message on the address side of the post card.

“They’re not trying very well to hide it,” was the comment that accompanied the information.

But, not many people would flip the post card to see who send it.

The message below it is next to the address.

This shows the message on the address side of the mailing for Dee Beaubien by Illinois Democrats.

Beaubien says she is not a politician, fed up with both political parties who don’t get anything done, will work across party lines, will donate her salary to charity, running as an independent to give voters a real choice, will work to cut legislators salaries, fight for property tax relief, not running to climb the political ladder or personal enrichment.

You can bet the campaign themes are stated in this first mailing.

Dee Beaubien’s first mail piece, financed by the Illinois Democratic Party.

Dee Beaubien is, of course, running as an “Independent.”

Credit: Fox River Grove Republican Precinct Committee Andy Gasser’s Blog.

If this trend continues, I think I’ll follow John Kass’ lead and identify her as Dee Beaubien (Ind.-Madigan).

Beaubien is running against Dave McSweeney, who won the Republican Primary Election, beating Beaubien’s favorite, Kent Gaffney.

There are now 18 precincts in the McSweeney-Dan Duffy District for which McHenry County Republican leaders have not appointed Precinct Committeemen. Read about 17 of them here.


Democratic Party of Illinois Sends Mailing for Dee Beaubien (Ind.-Madigan) — 7 Comments

  1. So if Dee Beaubian gets support from an Madigan that means she is going to be the lap dog of Madigan?

    Mr. Cal “Ad Hominem” Skinner Jr., c’mon you are better than that. (i.e. Dee Beaubian is not a career politician. Mike Madigan is. Dee Beaubian is part of the problem.)

    Faulty logic sir.

  2. Way to not address my point.

    Clearly Madigan is not perpetuating a conspiracy to phone tap the Republican Party of Illinois and you are no deep throat.

  3. Isn’t that the true definition of an Independant?

    An individual that is able to identify the problem and acknowledge the solutions regardless of political partisan gridlock and being able to take on a bi-partisan approach.

    Should Tea Party politicians dissociate from Republicans since what they stand for is far from my larent’s republican party?

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