Linda Moore Seeks Negotiations with Grafton Township Trustees

Robert Bush

Robert Bush was in Judge Michael Caldwell’s courtroom today representing the Grafton Township Trustees. None of the Trustees were present.

Supervisor Linda Moore was accompanied by her attorney, John Nelson.

Before the judge came in, there was some exchanging of paperwork, which I misunderstood.

I thought Bush was withdrawing from the case, but, no, it was Nelson who was had agreed to withdraw the petition that was on the docket.

“It makes it easy for me,” Bush observed.

“This case is over except for the appeal, some of which is OK, some of which isn’t”

When informed of the change in plans, which freed up two hours in Judge Caldwell’s schedule, he said, “OK.”

And out the door the attorneys and Moore went.

Moore’s attorney Nelson provided the following commentary:

John Nelson

“They did pay the auditor’s bill and I’m going to consider that an olive branch and see if I can work with attorney Bush to see if we can resolve the issued that have boiled over during this term.

“Supervisor Moore is willing to make one last attempt to resolve matters short of all-out litigation.”

When asked if mediator Rob Hanlon would be assisting, the answer was, “No.”

“I’m going to try to work directly with attorney Bush. He was instrumental in getting the auditor’s bill [paid] for the first year.

“If efforts at reconciliation are unsuccessful, we still have plenty of time to litigate matters enforcing the court order before Judge Caldwell.

“My client would like to see an end to the lawyers’ never ending legal bills in this case.

“We are putting the ball into the Trustees court on that matter.”

As I was leaving volunteer mediator Rob Hanlon was conferring with Nelson to find three dates that could be offered to Township Assessor Bill Ottley’s attorney Mike Poper at one of which a compromise between Ottley and Moore would be sought.


Linda Moore Seeks Negotiations with Grafton Township Trustees — 7 Comments

  1. What the what??

    So at the 9th hour Linda Moore is now trying to offer the “olive branch” to the trustees and the assessor.

    What a J-O-K-E!!!

  2. I do remember Linda Moore’s asking for the Trustees to negotiate a long time ago.

  3. More BS from Moore.

    She sits abandoned and alone after running Grafton Township into the ground. Her goal? Having a zero balance in all of the township accounts on the day she leaves office.

  4. Geeee — can you tell who is trying to get re-elected?

    After years of wrangling and sending hard-earned taxpayer dollars to lawyers like Nelson, NOW appears the magic olive branch?

    If Moore’s re-elected , I suspect that olive branch will get tossed in the wood chipper ASAP.

    No matter how you slice it, it’s still pink slime.

  5. The same crew is again trying to paint history a different color.

    Moore did try to work with these people on more than one occasion.

    Bothering them with facts and truth never gets their mindset out of the dark.

  6. Such as removing ALL the financial data from the computers.

    Failing to provide trustees with copies of the financials, both on paper or online.

    Demanding that the trustees make an appointment to view the finances with Linda.

    Charging or attempting to charge trustees for copies of financial documents.

    Not paying the trustees for several months.

    Yes, this does look like Moore wants to work with the trustees.

  7. “Bothering them with facts and truth never gets their mindset out of the dark.”

    Lets get real.

    Moore is the one who does not deal with correct facts and only deals with half-truths.

    She twist things around to make herself look like the injured party.

    I will repeat she took the township records and cost the taxpayers over $26,000.00 that was all on her own.

    She tried to pull her stunt of mediation when her attorney could be there but the trustees attny could not.

    Now, to mediate ALL parties have to be present.

    I suggest you get your facts straight.

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