Walsh Promises 15-Hour Days from Now Through Election

Joe Walsh

Polls may show Congressman Joe Walsh trailing Tammy Duckworth, but that is not slowing Walsh down. Read his personal campaign plans for the next week:


Because of my goal to meet every voter in the district, starting today I will begin seven straight days of 15 hour a day campaigning.

During this “Seven Day Sprint to Freedom”, I will be out in the district meeting with voters one last time every day from 6am until 9pm. We will be out in the district meeting with people at train stations, restaurants, businesses, grocery stores, coffee shops and communities throughout the 8th.

The difference between my opponent and myself couldn’t be clearer. She has spent this entire campaign traveling the country and avoiding 8th district voters.

I don’t want a career in politics – I want to fix our problems and get government off our backs. That’s why I’ve focused on meeting with the people I work to serve, because I’m scared of the country we’re leaving our kids and our grandkids.

With $16 trillion in debt, vital safety nets facing bankruptcy and a struggling economy affecting millions, we can’t afford to reward politics as usual and candidates who place careers over constituents.

Follow me on Facebook and on my website to see where we’ll be during these next seven days! Come join us at of our stops, rallies or events.

Join me in this “Seven Day Sprint to Freedom”, and let’s send a message this November.

In Victory,



Walsh Promises 15-Hour Days from Now Through Election — 4 Comments

  1. I really don’t understand how this guy sees the world. He sent out Press releases (which YOU published without comment, Cal) about Duckworth refusing to debate him (Even though she did so what-five times?).

    Now this bizarre accusation that she’s ” spent this entire campaign traveling the country and avoiding 8th district voters.”

    What the heck does that mean?

    Joe, sign up with her facebook page- every day there are pictures of Duckworth at a Lions Club meeting, visiting Veterans clubs, having lunch at a local restaurant with a youth group.

    I used to doubt Walsh’s veracity but now I’m questioning his sanity.

    And by the way, “Joe” is still getting paid to represent us current 8th district voters- he’s been absolutely MIA since he announced he’d be moving south.

    Suddenly, all his “town halls” are in Elgin or Schaumburg.

    Of course, this is the FOURTH different district he’s run in so of course he’s got NO obligation to the actual constituents who pay his salary.

  2. He’s a loser.

    One vote closer to Speaker Nancy in 2014.

    Thanks for nothing, Joe, hope you enjoyed your 15 minutes.

    Tammy is now the US rep till redistricting, which the Dems likely will control then, too.

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