Diane Evertsen’s Literature

In response to my invitation to candidates to send me literature they have been distributing, District 6 McHenry County Board member and candidate Diane Evertsen emailed the following.

The first is her palm card.

Diane Evertsen talks of her efforts to cut county spending since she was elected two years ago.

The back of Diane Evertsen’s palm card points out that she has not accepted campaign contributions so she would not be beholden to special interests.

Here is the back of Evertsen’s post card:

The other side of the post card from Diane Evertsen stresses she, Ersel Schuster and Randy Donley did not vote for county employee salary increases, plus not increasing the county budget.  She points out she also does not accept county health insurance.

Here’s the address side:

Here’s the address side of the post card.  “She knows her mind, isn’t afraid to speak it and seeks nothing in return,” appears under Diane Evertsen’s photo.


Diane Evertsen’s Literature — 1 Comment

  1. Not so sure about the “gas prices have never been higher” part.

    I paid $4.34/gal. on 3/28/12 and $4.09/gal. on 5/21/11. Gas was $3.29/gal. in Crystal Lake yesterday; higher in Woodstock.

    I’ve only driven my car 2,000 miles this year.

    I did ride my motorcycle 5,000 miles, including a 2,500-mile trip to the East Coast.

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