Beaubien Signs Still Up

The usual expectation is that campaign signs should be taken down by the Saturday after the election.

This Dee Beaubien sign is in front of the restaurant on Route 14 in Cary.

Driving around Crystal Lake and Cary, the candidate with the most signs still up is Dee Beaubien.

Here’s a Dee Beaubien sign near the factory on Route 14 that Cary intends to tear down.

Also saw signs for the two Democratic candidates for Congress,

  • Dennis Anderson and
  • Leslie Coolidge

The signs from a so-called “Republican Party” group to which no one admits belonging, but whose art work was used by State Rep. Jack Franks in his handouts in support of his County Executive referendum still are up.

Some for County Board member and candidate Donna Kurtz could be seen. (One man near Crystal Lake Central High School had placed two of hers on the curb.)

And, there were signs saying, “Vote Yes. County Executive + Lower Taxes.

The “Vote Yes” signs were allegedly paid for by a group no one is willing to own up to being a member of “McHenry County Republicans for Lower Taxes.”

Fat chance they will take them down, so if you want a Jack Franks political artifact for your rumpus room wall, feel free to stop and pick one up.


Beaubien Signs Still Up — 10 Comments

  1. We took down our signs today.

    It was with some sadness that the Romney sign came down but we had the pleasure of knowing that Randy Hultgren was elected to a second term and that we defeated the County Executive proposal.

  2. I think state law changed and, if a candidate is going to run in the future, he or she can leave the signs up.

    In 2010 I was thinking of leaving my signs up for the 2024 election. Stretching it a little, but why not?

  3. She is waiting for orders from madigan if she should leave them up for her next losing campaign.

  4. I will not take down any democrat sign unless I have permission (in writing). I simply do not want the hassle of it.

    There are Dee signs all over Fox River Grove, two on my street alone.

    I think we have all of our Republican signs down in Fox River Grove; however, if I did miss one, feel free to email me and I will gladly come by and remove your signage.

    Andrew Gasser

  5. There is a pretty good pile of vote yes for the county executive signs started at the GOP office in Crystal Lake.

  6. Cal, I drove by dozens of McSweeney signs in a short distance in Barrington this morning. I can send you a picture so you can write a similar post about his signs.

    Look, the election is over. Your boy won, so move on to something more relevant.

  7. Sure. Send me photos of other politicians with signs still up.

  8. Republicans had no problem taking other candidates signs between Chemung and Wonder lakethe night before the election!

    Why don’t they just take these signs as well!

    I am sure those candidates won’t forget about that in two years!!

  9. I noticed Heusers signs were all gone up and down 173, downtown Harvard,Hebron, and also Wonder Lake. I know this stuff goes on but its unfair to the Voters and it also shows weakness!

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