McHenry County Salaries – Ca-Cl

Every year state law requires the posting of salaries and fringe benefits exceeding $75,000 for those employees under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. McHenry County has done more than that. It has posted the compensation of all employees.
Mc Ca-Cl salary 12Mc Ca-Cl salary 12 totalMore tomorrow.


McHenry County Salaries – Ca-Cl — 3 Comments

  1. Is the “Budgeted Salary” exclusive of overtime? Is the difference between Total and Budgeted Salary for benefits, exclusive of overtime?

    Let’s say a deputy is budgeted at $90,000/year ($7,500/month). That works out to $43.27/hour. If he (or she) works ten hours of overtime in a month, that’s $649.05 ($43.27 x 1.5 x 10), plus benefits. Where does that show up for the public to view?

    Let’s say he works 10 hours/month O.T. for 11 months. That’s $7,139.55 additional comp in the year, plus benefits.

    What if he were allowed to pull 10 hours/WEEK O.T.? (Say because of rank, privileges, friendships, etc.) That would be $649 PER WEEK (plus benefits).

    Do employment contracts or union agreements require MCSD to offer overtime first to the highest-paid deputy? Or to the lowest-paid deputy capable of doing the work?

  2. If it is a planned hireback, extra detail or shift hireback it goes by seniority. Most senior people are the ones making the most. Generally everything is done by seniority.

    Also note the lack of a nepotism rule. (Husband/ wife, Father/son etc.) Having some clout goes a LONG way.

  3. There is no separate column for overtime. Don’t know if that helps.

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