Marc Munaretto Criticizes Dianne Klemm’s Fiscal Stewardship in Algonquin Township

An email from Algonquin Township Clerk Marc Munaretto, who is running against incumbent Supervisor Dianne Klemm for that office:

Marc Munaretto

Marc Munaretto

“Here is some information about the Township’s financial stewardship under Supervisor Klemm that might be interesting to your readers.

“Did you know that, despite the fact that the Township has enough cash in reserve to pay for almost a full year of Township expenses, Supervisor Klemm continues to increase the levy? [This was received before last night’s meeting.]

“Moreover, she has increased the levy in each of the last 4 years by $123,000.

“And, budgeted town fund expenses rose by $300,000 last year over the previous year.

“I know that the Supervisor’s plan now, in response to the NW Herald article last week, is to rebate the increase in the levy that was adopted last November.

“As an acclaimed ‘tax fighter’ I imagine this kind of financial stewardship must give you pause.

“I know that it is upsetting to our electorate when their elected officials don’t get it.

“Our taxpayers are fed up with rising property taxes and declining property values.

“I think Algonquin Township can be a better financial steward under my leadership if I am elected Supervisor.”


Marc Munaretto Criticizes Dianne Klemm’s Fiscal Stewardship in Algonquin Township — 9 Comments

  1. You got that right, Mr. Munaretto! I’m sick of it too! And it takes real guts to fire off like that in these local elections. A lot of people want to vote for “Mr Nice Guy”. I don’t know anything about you or if you’ll be any better than Klemm, but you’ve got me listening.

  2. Ben, go to tonight’s Grafton Township meeting. This is what you can expect if Mark gets elected. Believe me, stick with Klemm. She is not the problem in Algonquin.

  3. I’ll stick with Diane, steady and predictable, of all the townships, Algonquin is run efficiently and provides many benefits to its residents.

  4. Munaretto seems only to be interested in what he can get out of a political job. Too slick for me.

  5. And how was Munaretto’s stewardship on the County Board?

    How Many Tax increases have you voted for? (many)

    If Diane Klem was a poor steward, Then why haven’t you not been on record voicing your concern during Township meetings?

    Why did you push for and received a huge salary increase to over $15k for just taking minutes Why?

    Marc Munaretto all you offer is more BS.

  6. Alright, I’ll try to look into him a little more closely. Thanks all for the constructive retort.

  7. Mr. Munaretto is a typical challenging running mate.

    He cannot run on his own merit which is totally evident considering his loss on running for his second term on the county board.

    It is nice to see him post slanderous and proposterous comments about Dianne Klemm considering he has absolutely nothing to lose except his current position as township clerk.

    Thus, making him a very desperate candidate.

    We all know that we must be extra cautious with selecting a canadate as Mr. Munaretto.

    I will be voting for the experience and professionalism that Dianne has brought to the table, including the programs she created and continues to support.

  8. Marc Munaretto has posted more lies on his website, wow what a surprise. Here is a man that works in the township building, running for supervisor, and he states

    “The current Supervisor has made a practice of OVER TAXING township property owners…….”.

    Marc, apparently your not sharp enough to figure out the ASSESSORS office is the “OVER TAXING” body, not the Supervisor.

    It is a shame you cannot run on merit and know that, so now comes, yet again, the lies you tell so well.

    Since you think the supervisor has power to raise taxes I will lobby very hard to keep you away from it.

    It’s all we need is you as a supervisor!

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