Anti-Andy Zinke for Sheriff Blog Surfaces

It’s address is and has at the top of what appears the first post the following:

McHenry County Sheriff’s Race 2014

It starts, “I’m back,” and has a photo of a toddler sitting on a chair.

The mission of the blog is explained in the part reproduced below:

The mission of the new blog is to make sure Andy Zinke is not elected McHenry County Sheriff.

The mission of the new blog is to make sure Andy Zinke is not elected McHenry County Sheriff.

The author points to what will be covered in future posts:

Come back after the holiday and I will discuss the following topics:

  • Ticket Fixing (Present Day not Gary Pack days)
  • Sexual Harassment (Present Day)
  • Traffic Deaths
  • The Immigration Unit MCCD
  • Sex with administrative assistants (You’re liking that one, right?)
  • Business managers
  • Legal Adviser/EEO
  • Zacatecas/ Monterey
  • Illegal…everything
  • And Much Much More!

Elsewhere in the post, it says, “I am going to educate McHenry County once again.”

Could this be written by Zane Seipler?

= = = = =
Confirmation has been received that it is by Zane Seipler.


Anti-Andy Zinke for Sheriff Blog Surfaces — 4 Comments

  1. how many illegal property exemptions does he have or he a resident of Illinois?

    Look at what we have now for the answer.

  2. I’ve read some of Zane’s stuff before.

    It is kind of scary that someone so angry and vengeful was loose in our county with a Badge and a gun.

    He seems to show his true colors in his blogs, if he doesn’t like you he will go after you, your direct family and your extended family.

    It is his right to do so, but we shouldn’t have that level of vileness out there telling our daughters to move over to the drivers seat and falsely take a ticket to cover his butt when deciding he wanted to give the man driving a “break”.

    He is one vengeful sounding dude who has been found by a federal court not to be above lying to get his way.

    He and his ilk are why I stay anonymous.

    Not scared for myself but one has to protect their family.

  3. are they – you are pathetic. All you try to attribute to Zane is exactly what Nygren is..
    Interesting- it seems the people all the way up from arbitrator, judges, through to the Illinois Supreme Court (who would not even hear the case) do not think Seipler should be fired. There is much more to all of it.
    The Federal judge wants to EXPEDITE the cases against Nygren. Really interesting info will come out in those cases. Notice, I say it in plural.
    You should also learn that the ticket he gave the girl was VALID. So just stop spewing the spin.
    Nygren is the one having a hissy fit and holding his breath spending our money. The info on the blog is meant to inform and it is.

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