McHenry County Courthouse Candidates at GOP Play Day

Assuming those with two-year McHenry County Board terms are all running for re-election, there were probably more candidates for McHenry County Office than you will see below.

Although only two candidates are running for the Republican nomination for Sheriff, all three of those announced for the office were in attendance at the McHenry Country Club Republican fund raiser.

The first I spotted, having been tipped off to look in the dining room, was Independent candidate Jim Harrison.

Jim and Carolyn Harrison anchored the table in the far corner of the dining room.

Jim and Carolyn Harrison anchored the table in the far corner of the dining room.

He had apparently bought  a table, because it was filled.

The Harrison strategy is to pick up the support of whichever group loses the GOP primary.

State Treasurer Dan Rutherford, a candidate for Governor, chatted with Bob Miller, Bill Prim and Andrew Gasser.

State Treasurer Dan Rutherford, a candidate for Governor, chatted with Bob Miller, Bill Prim and Andrew Gasser.

The next candidate I got a photo of was Bill Prim.  I ran it yesterday.

Finally, I got the following photo of Andrew Zinke after he conferred with his boss Keith Nygren.

Sheriff Keith Nygren and Andy Zinke talk with Mike Tryon after Nygren and Zinke conferred.

Sheriff Keith Nygren and Andy Zinke talk with Mike Tryon after Nygren and Zinke conferred.

In addition, Glenda Miller, running to replace her boss Treasurer Bill LeFew, was in evidence although I don’t seem to have gotten her in a photo.


McHenry County Courthouse Candidates at GOP Play Day — 4 Comments

  1. My question is if this was a McHenry Country Club Republican fund raiser, who let Independent candidate Jim Harrison in?

    Also if Mr. Harrison’s strategy is to pick up the support of whichever group loses the GOP primary, if Andrew Zinke fails to take the ticket, I WILL vote for Bill Prim.

    This is Republican territory and we have no need for an Independent!

  2. FUK Ky if you vote only on party lines and you don’t consider the candidates integrity or their plan to improve McHenry Co. – then save your time and stay home !!

  3. I agree, what the heck was Jim “Rex Kwon Do” Harrison doing at the McHenry County Republican event?

    He shouldn’t have been admitted to the event.

    Harrison has lost complete credibility with me after his publicity stunt last week challenging to debate Bill Prim on WIND.

    Harrison truly comes across as a Zinke shill, and he reminds me of the martial arts instructor from the “Napolean Dynamite” movie.

    So, with Bill Prim in the same room, did he go up to Prim and try to challenge him to a debate at the event?

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