Tom Cross Votes for Gay Marriage Bill, Follows in Judy Baar Topinka’s Footsteps

Tom Cross at the Port Edward Republican Party fundraiser.

Tom Cross at the Port Edward Republican Party fundraiser.

State Rep. and former House Republican Minority Leader Tom Cross and now candidate for the Republican nomination for State Treasurer was in Crystal Lake on Monday night.

Then he was off to Springfield, learning how long it takes local legislators every time they go to session. (We’re about an hour farther away than his home in Kendall County.)

Had I not had car trouble and arrived while he was still at The Cottage and, if I had the foresight to do so (probably not the case), I could have asked him how he was going to vote on the gay marriage bill.

Turns out Cross was one of three Republican state reps. to vote for it.

Some media analysts have suggested he did so, because the presumptive Democratic Party candidate for State Treasurer, State Senator Michael W. Frerichs voted for the bill.

Or Cross may just be following in the footsteps of former State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, who has seen success while support gay rights causes.


Tom Cross Votes for Gay Marriage Bill, Follows in Judy Baar Topinka’s Footsteps — 2 Comments

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