Joe Walsh Invites Bruce Rauner to Elmhurst Town Hall Meeting to Talk about Term Limits

At the Huntley Area Tea Party meeting last week, former Congressman and current WIND Talk Show Host Joe Walsh said he was going to endorse a candidate in the Republican Primary for Governor.

He said it would be in a couple of weeks.

All four men have been interviewed on his 5-8 PM radio show for an hour.

Now, one of them has been invited to one his roving Town Hall Meetings.

The place is Elmhurst at on Saturday, November 23rd, at the Diplomat West Banquet Hall, 681 W. North Avenue.

Elmhurst is the place, The time is noon-2 on Saturday, November 23rd.

Elmhurst is the place, The time is noon-2 on Saturday, November 23rd. at Diplomat West Banquet Hall,681 W. North Avenue.


Joe Walsh Invites Bruce Rauner to Elmhurst Town Hall Meeting to Talk about Term Limits — 5 Comments

  1. Here we go again Joe Walshed up.

    Like your opinion of who should be governor has any bearing on the voters’ decision.

    It doesn’t.

    In fact it makes Bruce Rauner look bad now that he would even accept an endorsement from you.

    The problem with our society is that we allow people like Joe Walsh to continue in politics in a way, shape, or form.

    It is the weak people in society allowing this election loser to continue is the reason for what is weakening our political system.

    Come on, people, wake up and smell the dirty, weak politics.

  2. Ambassador, I think your thinking is backwards.

    I do not think you are comfortable in your own skin, and will attack some one who is.

  3. When will people wake up rauner has supported democrats in the past.

    His businesses deal with democrats.

    Now he runs as a republican?

    If he get elected he will give Chicago anything they want.

    We have had enough of the democrats ruling Illinois.

    Wake up people!!

    Only 1 candidate running for governor has ever won a state wide race and did it with 22% of Chicago voters.

    The best pick is State Treasure DAN RUTHERFORD.

    The only one that can beet quinn in the fall election.

  4. Anotherwatcher, you must be Joe Walsh, claiming to be comfortable in your own skin, or you’ve been in Joe Walsh’s skin and know how he feels, in which case, ick.

    You are the one who is backwards in someone’s skin.


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