No Rule Against Fixing Private Vehicles in McHenry County Sheriff’s Garage

Gus Philpott published this new sign in front of the Sheriff's Department's garage on his Woodstock Advocate.

Gus Philpott published this picture of a new sign in front of the Sheriff’s Department’s garage on his Woodstock Advocate.

Over the years there have been reports of private cars having their oil changed and being repaired by McHenry County Sheriff’s Department personnel with the use of taxpayer-funded supplies.

The name of a member of the County Board even came up.

When I was County Treasurer in the late 1960’s, I’d sometimes go down to the garage, which was behind the old jail, and a friendly mechanic could be seen repairing squad cars right out in the open.

So, it occurred to me to ask about what’s going on now.

My Freedom of Information request was as follows:

“Under the FOIA, I ask for any rules or other prohibitions for Sheriff’s Department employees repairing or servicing, e.g,, changing oil, in privately owned vehicles.”

You can read the reply below:

“We have no documents responsive to your request.”

= = = = =
You can read the Woodstock Advocate article here.


No Rule Against Fixing Private Vehicles in McHenry County Sheriff’s Garage — 57 Comments

  1. Another idiotic acted of desperation Cal?

    I realize that the Primary Election is less than 4 months away and it looks real bad for Bill Who.

    But Seriously Cal, you have to do much better than this if you want to discredit Undersheriff Andrew Zinke.

    Your unsupported worthless post is nothing more than laughable with no foundation to support your misleading accusations.

    You know as well as I do that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke will become our next Sheriff and you can’t stop it.

  2. Fukoku, you really have no sense, when it comes to right and wrong. With that being said, your comment that Zinke will become your next Sheriff, and you can’t stop it must mean, another way the Sheriff’s Department does things by “hook or crook”.

    We will see . . . and many are watching.

  3. Fukoku (not brave enough to post under your real name?), why shouldn’t a citizen have the right to inquire whether County assets (time, property, services) are being mis-used?

    Actually, you’d think it would be the Sheriff or the Undersheriff investigating such illegality.

    But, when the powers at the top of MCSD turn a blind eye toward things like a new deputy losing control of her squad car (driving too fast) and totaling it AND NOT BEING TICKETED, you think there isn’t something wrong right at the top?

    Johnsburg PD investigated the crash and apparently, as soon as they heard that the deputy was enroute to a call, decided not to ticket her, BEFORE the crash investigation had barely gotten started!!!

    If I were the sheriff, I’d have cited her for at least one of the several traffic code violations – for the only reason that it would be the right thing to do.

    And, if no one else wrote her a ticket, she should have written one to herself!

  4. That is why you are not Sheriff Gus Philpott.

    Also, if you remember, you used these same innuendo tactics during your run for McHenry County Sheriff in November 2010 and Sheriff Keith Nygren squashed you like a bug on a windshield with only 4,638 votes to Sheriff Nygren’s 53,791 votes.

    Doesn’t your humiliated defeat tell you that after all these years that these innuendo tactics just don’t work?

    The People of McHenry County will not stand for Chicago style politics.

  5. I am one of the “people of McHenry County” and I am not voting for Zinke or anyone Nygren endorses.

  6. Don’t fear everyone, I FOIAed Cal Skinner for policies related to sensible FOIA requests and found that there were no such policies.

    No need to waste time here.

  7. Golly you are clever.

    Mptspfair Play.

    Fact remains that the Sheriff’s office stinks (Stinky?) and nothing has been done to try to provide TRUE ttransparency.

    For better or worse, the primary will be fascinating.

    All a matter of who will get out and vote, the lemmings or the people paying attention.

  8. Gus…… You are a zealot and a moron to boot.

    Ticket a deputy for this?

    In any single vehicle crash where alcohol is not involved , seldom is a ticket issued.

    The department will punish her appropriately.

    A ticket is just a fine whereas a disciplinary action affects their job and offend loss of pay.

    When John Q get in an accident THEIR employer does not hammer them unless they are UPS drivers and then there is a tough review process.

    I’m not a fan of Zinke but your hatred for Nygren transcends common sense.

    Don’t hate the deputies that work hard regardless WHO the boss is.

    The ISP investigates their own crashes and they do not issue a ticket on single vehicle crashes but will suspend a trooper which costs the trooper much more.

    Thank God you are not Sheriff.

  9. Stinky, I mean Zinke will not be Sheriff. No matter how many look a like clowns Nygren
    sends his way, he will not. The days of Corruption in MCSO will soon be over when Mr. Bill Prim takes over as the next McHenry County Sheriff.

    Mr Prim is the only proven leader for MCSO.

    Prim will not flip the crowd his middle finger, unlike Stinky.
    Prim will not allow his wife to threaten people attending parades, unlike Stinky.

    Prim will not allow a member of MCSO to knowingly release confidential and sensitive DEA narcotics information to campaign donors, unlike Stinky Zinke.

    Prim will restore the moral, integrity and confidence to the citizens of McHenry County insuring the hard working men and woman of Law Enforcement to come to work, and not feel threaten or retaliated against…….

    Mr Prim, our next MCSO Sheriff !

  10. Apparently No one else has ever worked at a gas station that also does vehicle repairs, or a car dealership as a mechanic.

    Back when dirt was new, I worked at a gas station that also did service work which did not include selling candy and bread and other groceries.

    On my OFF time, when the station wasn’t busy, and the TOOLS were available, we used to worm on our own vehicles too.

    We BOUGHT our own parts for the car, but used the equipment of our bosses shops, WITH their permission, to fix our cars.

    SO WHAT?

    Can Cal, or GUS, as I questioned before where this nonsense came from, have any PROOF of wrong doing, or are they chasing rainbows (or storm clouds, in their case)?

  11. The facts state; “Mr. Prim is the proven next…..”

    Proven what?

    That he applied?

    So did Gus, in the past, and he’s proved nothing either.

    Other than retiring from Des Plaines, where I’m assuming he didn’t run for the job of chief there, what has he PROVEN?


    Good luck with that campaign-he’ll need it.

  12. On the info provided, if it is true that private work is being done for employees or the employees are using public tools, parts, etc. – what happens if the person gets injured or dead and isn’t supposed to be on the property or using public parts/etc. for the purpose of private stuff?

    Does the taxpayer paid insurance for the facility cover that?

    I’m sure that could have been condensed and hope the point is being made.

    Anyway, this isn’t a private company’s facility or staff or parts so that “you” and your friends can just drop in and do your thing courtesy of the private owner’s okay and generosity.

    This is a PUBLICly paid for facility and its utility use, etc. is covered by the taxpayers.

    Let me go on record, I don’t want to pay for anyone’s private needs – even if it’s a select few.

    If we all don’t have that perk, no one should get the perk.

  13. Ananoymous, you are correct, maybe someone should contact the Insurance Company for the County and check this out . . . the Nygren regime have used the County as their private playpen for long enough.

  14. Az,…I know that you are scared.

    Mr. Prim will not retaliate against you, or anyone at MCSO, unlike your pal Stinky.

    Mr. Prim will want you to do your job, provide the level of service that the citizens of McHenry County deserve. …

    The Sheriffs Office belongs to the citizens..

    Mr Prim will lead the MCSO. ….

    He will not disrespect the citizens by flipping the middle finger, or using F words in front of seniors and children.

    The clown Andy has proven time and time again at MCSO that he is incompetent .

    Even Jake didn’t like working with him..

  15. The only fear here is the fear of Bill Who becoming our next elected Sheriff and the doors of corruption will be opened to our county.

    Not to fear People of McHenry County as Undersheriff Andrew Zinke will become our next Sheriff and stop the flow of corruption into our county.

    Read and learn about our next elected Sheriff, Undersheriff Andrew Zinke at

  16. Fukoku, the fear people of McHenry County should have, is business as usual . . . that would be Nygren/Zinke regime.

    Too many unanswered questions and the trust to see justice is gone.

    Too many cover ups, slow dancing with the Judges, and controlling the news media.

    Enough said.

  17. You must be confused, you are talking about the McHenry County State’s Attorney, Mr. Corruption himself, Louis Bianchi.

  18. The Facts State: Just as soon as Mr. Prim thinks he can retailate against a private citizen, THEN I’ll be worried. I

    F he wins, and that’s a big IF, he can do anything he wants at MCSO, as long as he doesn’t get caught, and I will not be effected in the least.

    The “non-parinoid” thinging people in this county, I believe, will elect the right man for the job, and he ain’t that man.

  19. “AZSUPPORTER” Prim is the right Man for the job…

    You know it , everyone knows it…

    We the people are tired of Zinke and Nygren shenanigans…

    Time to bring ethics and integrity back into Mchenry County Government and that means voting for Bill Prim…

    “Fukoku”= Kim ZInke. Andy has no intention of stopping the flow of corruption and you know it.

    I can only hope Bianchi takes you to Civil Court for slander…

    There is not one ounce of proof that Bianchi is corrupt…. that is why the charges were dismissed….

    Bianchi was railroaded because he wouldn’t play the corruption games and that is also a fact…

  20. Az & Fuko..

    Let me ask you this ..

    Do you think that any McHenry County owned property was used in the filming of
    Zinkes sister in law porn sites ?

    And would you agree with me, that if this was the case, and that Zinke was aware of this that it should be dealt with accordingly ?…

    Please give me your approval that you agree that a situation like this should not occur ?

  21. The debates, when they start, should be interesting. Start saving up your questions, folks.

  22. AZsupporter and Fukoku, the last few posts show what a playground the McHenry County Sheriff’s Dept. has become, it is a disgrace to the taxpayers. . . if you do not get that, then go cook your bird for tomorrow, and I hope many birds will follow. This will not go away!

    Time for a big time Clean UP in McHenry County.

  23. “Fukoku” = Kim Zinke and “AZsupporter. Wish I could play in the same sand box…. “HOW MUCH DO I HAVE TO PAY TO PLAY?” And, Is there a fee for watching “Let’s Make a Deal” and “The Price is Right?” …. “COME ON DOWN” I want to hear the answer………

  24. Really?

    Aside from the lack of policy-is there any conclusive indication county time, money, parts, locations and/or labor are being used to service private vehicles?

    Aside from, of course, a dated rumor and a faint whisper?

    I fail to see the story here…

    So what, MCSO has no policy…that’s hardly an endorsement to use the garage for personal purposes.

  25. Duncan; “We the people…….” sounds like those wrestlers on WWE.

    You, and a few other people, for whatever reason, don’t like Zinke.


    Vote your ideals and for whomever you want.

    I still don’t think you’ll have enough votes to win, even tho Bianchi is backing Prim.

    We’ll see soon enough.

    I don’t get how this thread went from fixing cars to the election, or game shows, but keep drinking the Kool Aid adn you’ll feel better.

  26. “AZ” I don’t like corruption. … Our tax payers are listening as the number of viewers on all of the blogs rise consistently every month….

    It is my understanding that they have towels on sale at Macys.. You can even get your kids initials put on them and put them under the Christmas tree. You should have plenty of time to go shopping, as you have claimed that you are retired…LOL… Then you can go home and drink Kool Aid with your kids..

  27. AZ supporter, this has to do with Business As Usual, in McHenry County, no rules, no regulations and no accountability, for the Nygren/Zinke crew. I think Nygren’s first wife, and Zinke’s first wife could give us some insight.

    There must be a reason why they do not want history to come out . . . their ethics are questionable and what they will go to, to cover it up.

  28. Well it looks like Duncan Mchenry = Zane Seipler came out of his cave.

    You are still saying the same worthless stupid repeated babbling crap like always.

    However, you and Scott Milliman clown acts at Bill Who’s fundraiser on November 21 at Marzano’s was outstanding. The two of you should take your act on the road as a new career choice, because the both of you will never get your jobs back when Undersheriff Andrew Zinke becomes our next elected Sheriff of McHenry County.

  29. “Fukoku” = Kim Zinke If you think Duncan is Zane, that just proves how paranoid you are. Is there some reason you keep looking over your shoulder? You must be worried about the Federal guys in blue suits. By the way, I was not at Marzanos.. There you go again Kim, you and those illusions… Zinke Stinky and Tyrant Nygren’s days as leaders of Mchenry County Sheriffs office will soon end when Bill Prim becomes Sheriff. Now get along Kim and go take your meds.

  30. Come-on Duncan Mchenry = Zane Seipler, we all knew it was you and Scott Milliman under that clown makeup.

    You clowns were fantastic, take your credit and don’t be bashful.

    Also, I don’t think you are Zane, I know YOU are Zane. I have already proven in the past the fact that you are Zane Seipler.

    The voices in your head that you call “Da Boys” are affecting you in a terrible way.

  31. Speaking of the candidates ex-wives, I can assure you that Darlene Prim would give you an earful about her ex-husband, Bill Who, why he divorced her.

    So, if I were you Bill Who supporters, I wouldn’t even go there. You will be surprise what you may hear, or maybe not.

  32. That is hilarious that I have crossed the line. You schmucks have crossed the line long before and this is only the beginning as we countdown to the end of this election.

    You schmucks can dish it out, but you can’t take it, especially the truth about Mr. Wonderful, Bill Who.

  33. Duncan Mchenry = Zane Seipler, do you know how stupid you sound saying the same worthless repeated babbling crap?

    I also heard that Mr. Corruption himself, Louis Bianchi and his puppet Bill Who enjoy watching their favorite television show together, which reminds them of Bill Who’s campaign.

    “Mission: Impossible.”

    And you are paranoid Duncan Mchenry, because YOU are Zane Seipler!

  34. Fuko and AZ..

    Nice try to bait some people to buy into your BS. The facts remain the same.. Zinke will lose the election based on him and Nygren.

    There is a whole, and I do mean “whole” big closet that is going to open up on Zinke. If he would have been smart, then he would have taken that job at Lake County Sheriffs Office that he went crying to “Because MCSO mis-treats me because I didn’t pass the Sgt Test “…

    Well Andy, the facts is that you failed the simple testing process because of you..And then you went running to Lake County Sheriff trying to get them to believe your lol what a joke..

    Then there is something called the MCSO K-9…Oh Andy, do you really want me to open up this can of whip A^*_ against you now ?

  35. “Fukoku” = Kim Zinke. Duncan is not Zane Seipler… Have recently been told that Zane has a case in Federal Court.. Prove it Kim. You are going to look like nothing but a “Paranoid Fool” There is a lot to be told about Nygren and Zinke. Andy didn’t pass the Sergeant’s test and that just proves he should not be Sheriff… Return to the Cuckoos Nest Kim.

  36. Well, there you go again facts of crap with your meaningless babbling threats that you never follow through with after I call you out.

    And speaking about the “big closet that is going to open up,” I can’t even imagine what big closet that is going to be opened in Mr. Wonderfuls, Bill Who’s closet.

    I can assure you that Darlene Prim would give you an earful about her ex-husband, Bill Who, why he divorced her.

  37. What the hell are you babbling about Duncan Mchenry = Zane Seipler?

    The voices you are hearing in your head that you call the “Da Boys” recently told YOU that you have a case in Federal Court and you want Kim to prove it?

    And what about you’re Cuckoos Nest?

    You are making absolutely no sense here, get a hold of yourself, you are scaring me.

  38. ‘Fukoku” = Kim Zinke. The only thing you have proven is how “WACKY” you are… You are scaring everyone….. Please do not have another knife incident or run into another person with your car… Get a grip…Your husband Andy will lose the election.. and the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth will be revealed about Corruption in Mchenry County…

  39. Fuko..

    I can promise you that there are several “large” closet doors that Stinky never wants open.

    But timing is everything. It’s not time yet. But can’t wait to see your face when that 1st closet door “MCSO K9″ swings open and its contents is flowing out like a mad white water rafting experience. …………..Think awfully hard….You know what I’m talking about…….think………Oh oh, did Stinky just fall backwards of his chair after reading this ?….Guess what ?…. Now do you remember ?…Ok, one last hint for the most incompetent person I ever met,…..Lat 42 degree 13′ 4. 7346″
    Long -88 degree 17′ 11.853”.

  40. Well, there you go again facts of crap with your broken promises back stroking from the truth with your meaningless innuendos.

  41. YES you are correct Duncan Mchenry = Zane Seipler that the only thing you have proven is how “WACKY” you are and scaring everyone.

  42. Fukoku, You Know You Are From Illinois, when people like you comment. It would be wise of you to stop your fingers from doing the walking. Larger people than you have gone to jail, many are waiting for those in McHenry County to soon follow.

  43. Hey Cal, my work doesn’t have an expressed written policy against employees murdering each other…

    I guess by extending your logic in this argument—my work must be for workplace violence.

    Thanks for clearing that up!

    Guess this guy’s got to look for a safer work environment.

  44. “Fukoku” = Kim Zinke. If you think Duncan is Zane, you are paranoid.

    The clock is ticking and it is just a matter of time before justice arrives in Mchenry County..

    The crusade for justice team will not be done, until justice prevails…

    Andy and Keith skeletons to be revealed soon at a Mchenry County theatre near you.

  45. Fuko..

    your reply tells me only one thing…That Stinky read it, and obviously turned red and freaked out.

    I warned you about the closets that Stinky Zinke has..All i did was mention just one of the closets door’s…All Stinky’s closets doors will be open in front of a large audience at McHenry County College for his debate…..

    Remember all that crap about McHenry County College giving him that BS award ?..

    All that will be forgotten as he stands at the podium, and has a bombardment of his closets opening one right after the other..with of course pictures..

    Oh, by the way FUCKO, like i said before, he should have just took his cry baby butt and went to Lake County when he himself couldn’t pass a simple Sgt exam..what a clown !

    So, getting back to closet door # 1..MCSO K9. …..

    I gave you a hint and yes, THE FACTS STATE …

    I bet Stinky thought that no one knew about this huh ?

    Well, friends in low places
    don’t even want to be associated with Stinky anymore..

  46. This must be the most idiotic comment of this year by anotherwatcher:

    “Fukoku, You Know You Are From Illinois”

    Where the hell do you think I am, in Japan?

  47. There you go again facts of crap with your long winded babbling that just don’t make any sense.

    You are talking crap, have you been drinking?

  48. Fuko..Actually i enjoyed a glass of rum spiked Horchata last night.

    MCSO K9 door open up…how Stinky feeling this morning ? Did he make that phone call crying to the Walrus ” They know about that Keith, he knows !, Im so screwed when he releases that to the public Keith !….

    Like i said, you should have went to Lake County when you had chance…OH WAIT, THATS RIGHT, THEY REJECTED YOUR POOR PATHETIC STINKY APPLICATION TOO ! !

    See Andy, Lake County didn’t like the fact that you thought you should get “Special” treatment because of Goode and be promoted after you failed the test…You need to pass the test first Stinky…

    And then of course there is the time that you spent over 2 weeks straight of tax payers time, while on duty, you just simply sat your fat butt in your office with Dan to study for the up coming Sgts exam…What happened to all those cases that you were suppose to be investigating, but closed ” ADMINISTRATIVELY CLOSED “..

    You see Fuko, Stinky is well known at MCSO for this type of activity..Thats why so many of the MCSO Deputies don’t trust him, respect him, and can’t wait till they get a true experienced leader Mr. Bill Prim.

    Stinky ..Yep….ABZ ABZ ABZ ABZ ABZ ABZ

    Oh by the way, Im sipping on my hot Atole now..

  49. I appreciate your honesty facts of crap about your drinking problem. It explains a great deal to me why you post such nonsense that no one can understand.

    Enjoy your spiked hot Atole.

  50. “Fukoku”=Kim Zinke. Take another look in the mirror. Clearly, you are able to do that because you have no remorse. You are the one with problems…

    Please take your meds we do not want anymore more knife incidents and please do not drive into someones car this Holiday Season..

  51. Boy Fukoku, you must really have a need to stroke Zinke’s ego, it makes him look even more the fool and makes you look foolish.

  52. el stinky es el que necesita para beber. el es el que va a tener su mundo se abrio,
    y dejar que esos esqueletos saltan de los armarios !

    RECUERDA, no tengo nada en mis armarios ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    Fuko es una locura .

  53. FUKO ?? Where are you ?… Cat get your tongue ? Or is your tongue somewhere else ?

    You see Fuko,

    Having been born and raised in Chicago, it taught me…DONT OPEN THAT DOOR UNLESS YOU REALLY WANT TO COME IN PLAY !

    hopefully you didn’t cut your tongue on a knife ?

    One must be careful when playing with knives.

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