Harrison Says Prim Refused to Debate Him, Zinke Can’t Run Away from Rita Corp. “Scandal”

A press release from Independent candidate for Sheriff Jim Harrison:

Independent Sheriff’s Candidate Jim Harrison Invites Republican Candidate Bill Prim to Debate

Jim Harrison

Jim Harrison

In response to the news that Republican Sheriff’s candidate Andy Zinke backed out of a scheduled debate with Republican Sheriff’s candidate Bill Prim, Independent Sheriff’s candidate Jim Harrison had this to say:

“I personally know how disappointing it is when a political opponent refuses to discuss legitimate issues concerning the Sheriff’s race. Last summer, Bill Prim refused to debate me over his role as a police supervisor during a number of excessive force incidents involving the Des Plaines Police Department. It appears as though Zinke is just following Prim’s example.”

“Even though Patriots United, the debate sponsor, claims to support no political candidates, Zinke backed out, suggesting the group might provide an advantage to Bill Prim in the debate because two of its members have donated heavily to Prim’s campaign. I think there’s more to it than that. In my opinion, in light of Zinke’s role in the RITA Corporation scandal, Zinke would have an uphill battle in any debate. I believe Zinke is using this situation to distract people away from the real issue.”

“But running away is never the solution. Zinke may be able to dodge a debate, but he can never outrun the political consequences of his interference in the DEA’s investigation of RITA Corporation (Zinke’s campaign headquarters at the time).”

“Besides, there is no such thing as a level playing field in politics, so everyone can stop pretending.  When I invited Bill Prim to debate the issue of the prisoner beatings at the Des Plaines police department, I offered to go on Joe Walsh’s radio show for the debate, even though I knew that Walsh was supporting Prim. I did this because the issue was more important than the level of the playing field.

Besides, I know that my answers to questions about the Sheriff’s race won’t change depending on who’s asking the questions, or who’s in the audience.”

“Debates create an imperfect opportunity for candidates to go before the public together, and answer questions about our candidacy, our platforms, and our qualifications to be Sheriff. There is no guarantee that a debate will be neutral, or balanced, but it provides an opportunity for candidates to think on their feet, to address the people, and to answer questions in a comparative environment
alongside the other candidate(s); for these reasons alone public debates have value.”

“Although Mr. Prim refused to debate me back in July, I’m glad to see that he’s up for a debate now, before the primary election.”

“And I agree with Bill – that the voters are the losers when candidates for public office refuse to engage in public debate over relevant issues. So instead of cancelling the Patriots United debate, I renew my offer to Bill Prim to debate with me over the issues concerning the Sheriff’s race. Patriots United can sponsor the event and we can even put out an empty chair for Andy … just in case.”

“Seize the opportunity Mr. Prim; say yes. Set it up with Patriots United, have Brian Kelly call me this week, let’s schedule a date certain, and I will be there.”

= = = = = =
When asked for a comment, Prim replied,

“When, if ever, Mr. Harrison becomes a certified candidate, as I have for the office of Sheriff, I would be happy to debate him. But he decided not to come to this party, so he can’t complain no one will dance with him.”


Harrison Says Prim Refused to Debate Him, Zinke Can’t Run Away from Rita Corp. “Scandal” — 22 Comments

  1. Coming from the guy who is too scared to run in the primary.

    Lets discuss the Gary Pack days Jimbo, how much did you “earn” from the taxpayers.

    How much did you get from selling that house to the county ?

    Wasn’t your wife your secretary and married to a deputy when you started long lunch hours with her?

    Have you ever won a case as an attorney?

    You would think being sheriff would be a pay cut for a good attorney.

    But that’s for a good attorney.

    So I can see why you need a steady paycheck and a pension.

    First get on the ballot then you can debate someone.

  2. Debates occur after candidates get their name on a ballot.

    Mr. Prim responded properly to Harrison’s claims.

    Are we going to have to turn this election into a court room for a lawyer hearing himself talk??

    That is going to get very old.

  3. Harrison sounds like a shill for Zinke…his press release is nothing more than simply throwing stones at Prim. It could have been written by Andy and his wacky wife.

  4. Fukoku, you remind me of a hit and run driver, in your case, you are a hit and run with your comments.

    Jim Harrison will look foolish without any help from you.

  5. “RegimeOver” You are exactly right.

    The people of McHenry County have the right to know about that land deal next to the court house…

    How much land and how much was it worth?..

    Apparently, Gary Pack and Keith Nygren were also part of that deal.

    “Fukoku” Keep digging that hole for the Zinke camp.

    The only real fool is Andy Zinke..

    There is no other candidate in American history that has successfully crucified their own campaign like Andy Zinke.

    He will go down in the history books because of his membership to the Nygren and Zinke Circus..

    That infamous finger act, Kim Zinkes F bomb at the same public parade..

    The fact that he shut down Cals website with false allegations of stalking..

    Then he claimed that there were two upcoming debates, when there were no debates scheduled.

    He won’t debate Prim because Andy knows that he would have to answer questions that could and would incriminate him.

    As for Harrison, he is nothing but a distraction.

  6. Greetings my misguided friends, I have returned to the Antarctic Northwest to bring you the truth about our next elected Sheriff of McHenry County, Undersheriff Andrew Zinke.

    I see for the past two weeks it has been open season on Undersheriff Andrew Zinke based on the brief views on the past postings.

    I did not waste my time reviewing too many comments because they were all misleading and deceptive in all of your futile attempts to discredit our next elected Sheriff of McHenry County, Undersheriff Andrew Zinke.

    Well that has all changed, now that I am back and well rested, I am prepared to fight for the integrity of a great leader to lead the highest office of authority in the county, Sheriff Andrew Zinke!

  7. That Jim Harrison character is sure turning into comic relief in the sheriff’s race.

    He was too afraid to run in the Republican primary, yet he yearns the spotlight with his silly publicity stunt of a press release.

    Agreed, Bill Prim dismissed Harrison’s request with the respect Harrison deserved.

  8. You are absolutely correct Duncan, Cal’s website was shut down with false allegations.

    But what is Cal doing about it?

  9. Fukoku, hit and run drivers do get caught down the road.

    The Nygren/Zinke regime has a history, and we in McHenry County know that history . . . if you knew your history, the same mistakes would not be made, if you are aware, you have a battle on your hands.

    In time, that history of Nygren and his Boy, will be made public.

    Just a matter of time, so keep your drive by’s going.

  10. Typically, you debate somebody in your own party during the primary before you debate somebody of another party (assuming you win the primary).

    Prim and Harrison are not opponents in the primary because Harrison is an unopposed Independent and Prim is going up against Zinke in the Republican primary.

  11. Are you still playing that old song anotherwatcher?

    So many of you have posted that McHenry County Sheriff Sergeant Greg Pyle’s plea will deliver a deadly death punch to Undersheriff Andrew Zinke and Sheriff Keith Nygren.

    Well, more verification that you misfits are talking crap and are struggling with reality.

  12. Harrison is a non issue.

    Even some of his big supporters openly dropped their support.

    They now support Prim.

    Why would Prim shadow box with Harrison?

    I think Prim handled it perfectly.

    At some point if Harrison shows he has a viable candidacy,then and only then can he can make these campaign statements.

    I still contend that Harrison is somehow associated with the Zinke campaign.

    Even behind the fluff of mentioning RITA corp, his major attack seems to be Prim.

    Last month one of his supporters told me that Harrison’s goal was to see Zinke defeat Prim.

  13. How come there hasn’t been any coverage on Mr. Harrison moving his campaign headquarters?

    Out of curiosity, I dropped by the office while in Woodstock and to my surprise, there was no-one there during normal business hours and it seemed the landlord was looking for a new renter.


    Has Harrison gone broke and can’t afford a headquarters?

  14. I can assure you all that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke will debate Bill Who on his terms.

    Undersheriff Andrew Zinke is a great leader to lead this highest office of authority in the county and will NOT run away from these false allegations of his involvement in Rita Corp.

    I promise you that he will hit these false allegations head-on.

  15. “Fukoku” Personally, I would like to see that ‘HIGH LEVEL CON ARTIST” address the Rita Corporation fiasco…

    Let me guess Andy Zinke will tell everyone he has no responsibility.

    Surely, he will tell everyone it was alright to tell Brian Good the owner of Rita Corporation, that the DEA was investigating a shipment of drugs being tracked from Mexico to Rita Corporation in Crystal Lake…

    Can’t wait to hear the master of deception speak…


    Further, by no stretch of the imagination is Andy Zinke a great leader..

    Andy Zinke is the laughing stock of McHenry County and a disgrace to our community.

    “Fukoku” you need to wake up from your imaginary world, because there are no false allegations.

    You know it and Andy Zinke knows that false allegations do not exist..

  16. OK @Fukoku, if that Undersheriff Andy Zinke will really “…NOT run away from these false allegations of his involvement in Rita Corp.”, let him prove it by publicly asking his boss, Sheriff Nygren, to release the 100-page internal investigation report to the public, beginning with a copy to First Electric Newspaper’s Pete Gonigam within the next 2 weeks!

    If the internal investigation truly exonerates Zinke, than Andy should be the first person to want the complete report released to the public.

    Let Zinke publicly demand it be done without delay between now and MLK day (1/20).

  17. The Oncoming Storm, I could only wish that I had the influence to have this 100-page internal investigation report released.

    This investigation report would have the same effect as so many of you have posted that McHenry County Sheriff Sergeant Greg Pyle’s plea will deliver a deadly death punch to Undersheriff Andrew Zinke and Sheriff Keith Nygren, which we all know now hasn’t.

  18. No Fukoku, Sheriff Nygren is clearly hiding something which prevents him from releasing the report, per the FOIA request.

    Oh, I believe there was no legal wrongdoing with Zinke’s action, but I’m fairly confident the report greatly casts serious doubts on Zinke’s judgement with what he did.

  19. Fukoku, how can you write, “I can assure you all that Undersheriff Andrew Zinke will debate Bill Who on his terms; … Zinke … will NOT run away from these false allegations of his involvement in Rita Corp.; .. I promise you that he will hit these false allegations head-on”, unless you exert high influence on him?

    If you have that degree of influence, then you surely have “… the influence to have this 100-page internal investigation report released.”

    But, since you don’t have this last influence, then you really don’t have any of the other influence you claim, do you?

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