Zane Seipler Continuing His Fight To Expose “the Culture of Corruption and Cover-up” in the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office

A message from former McHenry County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Zane Seipler, stimulated by Federal Judge Frederick Kapala’s court order.

Zane Seipler campaigning for the Republican nomination for Sheriff against incumbent Keith Nygren in 2010.

Zane Seipler campaigning for the Republican nomination for Sheriff against incumbent Keith Nygren in 2010.

Last night I was informed by my lawyer of the monetary sanctions that were imposed by the Federal Court.

Needless to say I am disheartened by the decision.

For many months I have remained silent on this issue at the advice of my lawyer but I will remain silent no longer.

It is not in my best interest to get into the details of the judges’s ruling or my opinions of said ruling. I am obviously in disagreement with the decisions and besides appealing there is very little I can do or say about it at this juncture.

My attorney, Mr. [Blake] Horwitz, had a brief discussion with me last night and hinted that it maybe in my best interest, and the best interest of my family, to cut a deal with the defendants and allow the case to be dismissed.

This is something I cannot do.

Since 2007 I have collected evidence and testimony that will prove and validate all allegations I have asserted as well as shed a bright light on the culture of corruption and cover-up that currently exists in the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office.

It is sad that this evidence is filed away under a Federal Confidentiality Seal and that the public is prevented from learning the truth about those paid to provide protection and security to the community.

If I were to allow the case to be dismissed as a means of eliminating the financial penalty now levied against me, it would mean that the evidence would disappear and the people would never know just how bad conditions are inside the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department.

When I filed this lawsuit it was not with the hopes of becoming rich or of making a quick buck off the county.

I had one purpose, one goal.

That was, and is, to expose what is really going on within the Sheriff’s Office.

From the beginning this was a fight for my life and more importantly the soul of McHenry County.

I know that when the evidence is revealed , and the story is told truthfully, the political culture of this county will change forever.

In closing I say this, no matter the consequences I will see this case to trial and the people of McHenry County will see exactly what goes on behind closed doors and sealed documents.

They will see what I have seen for years, corruption.

When the community’s eyes are finally opened I have faith that they will ensure that the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office will be everything it can and should be.

To those of you who have supported me through these trying times I would like to thank you and to let you know, I never give up, not when it comes to doing what is right./blockquote>


Zane Seipler Continuing His Fight To Expose “the Culture of Corruption and Cover-up” in the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office — 16 Comments

  1. Clearly, this has Zanes fight has never been about him, it has always been about exposing the truth..

    The fact, remains, Zane Seipler should have never had to fight for his job as he should have never been fired…

    His goal has been to expose corruption and the antics of the Regime…

  2. Real mean are hard to come by.

    This guy is NOT a sellout.

    That is what they have been trying to get him to do all along.

  3. I would think after all this time after paying a high price and suffering server consequences for his allege noble fight against the culture of corruption and cover-up that he claims that currently exists in the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office, Zane would have provided evidence and testimony that will prove and validate all of his allegations by now.

    All we have been hearing is allegations without any supporting evidence that serves to establish a fact.

    Zane, I don’t know what you are waiting for, Zero Hour is over the horizon.

  4. fuk – not too smart one — that happens when it goes to trial.

    The Federal judges saw the evidence and determined that Seipler’s case had merit and would go forward.

    They would not have done that without the evidence.

  5. Fukoku, “Zero Hour is over the horizon” . . . you might be right on that, but it will be the evidence coming to light. . . retaliation to those who want to expose the corruption, will no longer work.

    Good Men, can no longer look the other way!!!

  6. Fukoku, consider this:

    Zane says Nygren fired him in 2008 because he complained about racial profiling.

    Nygren’s lawyer, Elizabeth Barton (Sotos Law Firm), told Federal Court Judge Mahoney on April 10, 2011, that “Mr. Seipler was terminated for complaining about racial profiling.”

    Lawyers don’t lie to Federal judges.

    Right then, the verdict should have been delivered in Zane’s favor.

  7. thank you, Zane, for your courage to keep up the good fight; we’re forever indebted to you.

    The depth of corruption in the Department is beyond what anyone could imagine

  8. Fighting for the truth, by lying under oath to a federal judge.

    I guess that is one way to do it.

    Have you tried to log into your google account, start 2 blogs and the go back in and enter one without seeing the other one?

  9. But – NO PROOF OF A LIE.

    It was just a conclusion.


    If it was proven, he could have been charged with perjury.

    The wife could not create a blog in court.

    How was that done?? With what restrictions on her?

    I would like to know.

    It had been several years since she created one and how it is done changes on a bi-weekly basis.

    How much computer knowledge might this judge have?

    2 weeks go by and I cannot remember how I did something on a computer.

    I know that Nygren leaked documents to the press and others that were sealed.

    He will not release Zinke’s investigation report to First Electric Newspaper because it is confidential, yet the Northwest Herald saw it.

    What was in the blog??

    Very bad behavior by some of Nygren and Zinke’s favorite deputies?

    Aren’t they still working there with nice promotions and salaries??

    Lets look at where the problems really are and I have come to the conclusion that Seipler is one of the answers.

  10. “ButSeriously” Go away.

    You serve no purpose accept to promote the Regime and the current corrupt McHenry County Government.

  11. So I take none of the usual crowd have tried to have two blogs attached to the same google email and open one without the other one staring you right in the face? LOL…

    I suppose why face the obvious if it doesn’t fit your cause, right?

    I know, stop making fact based statements and asking questions that the small clique here don’t want anyone to answer and go away. 🙂

  12. “My attorney, Mr. [Blake] Horwitz, had a brief discussion with me last night and hinted that it maybe in my best interest, and the best interest of my family, to cut a deal with the defendants and allow the case to be dismissed.”

    I think you are going to look back at your attorney’s advice and go … whoopsy.

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