Paul Schrimpf Introduces Himself to McHenry County

Schimpf, Paul looking rightOne of the impressive candidates who spoke at the rally of those Republicans seeking to reform the local GOP was Paul Schmipf, the retired Marine who is running against Lisa Madiagan for Illinois Attorney General.

He impressed Algonquin Township Trustee Larry Emery so much that he wrote an article on his blog.

As Emery wrote,

“We need more than one Madigan to be voted out of office.”

Take a look at his biography and you’ll get an idea why:

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The qualification that jumps off the page is his being the lead American attorney at the trial of Saddam Hussein.

Yes, that Saddam Hussein.

So, what does Schimpf want to do upon election to the Office of Illinois Attorney General?

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Schimpf wants to use the Attorney General’s Office to fight corruption.

Wouldn’t that be refreshing in this, one of the most corrupt states in the nation?

And he wants to use the office as a watchdog against intrusive state government.



Paul Schrimpf Introduces Himself to McHenry County — 5 Comments

  1. I have personally met Paul and highly recommend you give him your vote for Illinois AG.

    He has the kind of backbone that will help to change this state for the better, and not go easy on people who have done wrong while representing the people.

    He has my vote in March!

  2. Reading the literature, Mr. Schimpf was raised on an Air Force Base.

    Went to the Naval Academy.

    Went to the Army Legal School.

    Served & retired as a Marine.

    It certainly will take a tough Marine to battle the Crooked County Madigan Machine.

    The man has my respect and support.

    I hope the state GOP actually funds Mr. Schimpf so he actually has a fighting chance.

    With daughter Lisa in office, the state GOP hasn’t put much effort into the Illinois state attorney race.

    Thank for post, Cal.

  3. What? Agreement?

    We all agree Lisa has to go.

    I hope he gets exposure and a. Fair chance.

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