Johnsburg School Bond Referendum

Not by a huge number, but it is the first school tax hike referendum to pass in several election cycles.
Johnsburg bond ref 3-14
Probably the Illinois Education Associations push to get teachers to vote in the GOP Primary Election for Kirk Dillard helped win the election.


Johnsburg School Bond Referendum — 4 Comments

  1. A travesty for sure.

    Probably a lot of Snowbird teacher retirees voting absentee.

  2. If you push the issue repeatedly, you are bound to get the vote you didn’t get the last time it was on the ballot.

    What a shame.

  3. The teacher-leeches, and all the other school-parasites slithered out of the mires to vote for the referndum and for the fake-Republican Dillard, who is now toast, thank GOD Almighty.

    Unfortunately Rauner will preside over the financial collapse of the Stae once he trounces Quinn … Hoover-like, he’ll get the blame for generations of Republirat-Democrat mismanagement and Union-idolatry.

  4. It was time for Johnsburg residents to put up or shut up.

    The high school and Bush elementary are in shambles and an embarressment to the community.

    If we dont want to invest in our kids and their future, then its time to close District 12 schools and send our kids to Richmond and McHenry.

    Thank God we made the right choice!

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