CVS Doubling Down in Crystal Lake

The fight between Walgreens and CVS is going head-to-head at the intersection of Route 14 and Virginia Street Road.

Currently, Walgreens has two stores in Crystal Lake.

The Crystal Lake Walgreens soon to have competition from CVS across Route 14.

This Crystal Lake Walgreens soon to have competition from CVS across Route 14.

One is at the intersection of Routes 31 and 176.  The other is across the street from the Crystal Lake Plaza where the John Evans Inn used to be.

CVS has a store on Crystal Lake’s south side at Ackman and Randall Roads where Randall runs into Rakow Road.

A new CVS will be built over the restaurant and Firestone next to Country Donuts on Route 14.

A new CVS will be built over the restaurant and Firestone next to Country Donuts on Route 14.

CVS is planning another one next to Country Donuts.

The closed restaurant and Firestone properties is where the new CVS will be located.  A road will run behind Country Donuts to allow traffic access between Country Donuts and Merlin Muffler.

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