$48,000 in Back Vacation Pay for Retiring Public Health Department Director

Reported in the Public Health Committee of the McHenry County Board was that retiring Public Health Department Director Patrick McNulty is being allowed to take $48,000 to compensate him for vacation days not taken.

The vacation policy from the Employee Handbook can be read below:

The vacation policy for McHenry County employees.

The vacation policy for McHenry County employees.

Compare that to what the sick pay policy says:

McH Co sick leave

Accruing sick days is clearly spelled out.

Patrick McNulty

Patrick McNulty

There is nothing in the vacation policy that mentions accruring vacation days

Here’s County Board member John Hammerand’s reaction

“I am outraged that the Board of Health voted to pay out Pat McNulty’s accrued vacation time in a lump sum of $48,000. 

“This payment will be considered salary and could increase his monthly pension payment by a substantial amount and costs for the County for matching taxes and fees.  

“I thought we put this behind us in 2006 when we changed our policy regarding accrued sick days and vacation; but as usual, this exception has been made.”


$48,000 in Back Vacation Pay for Retiring Public Health Department Director — 10 Comments

  1. Common sense.

    The budget for the Public Health Department should be cut by $48,000.

  2. I’m not sure if the budget should be cut,maybe, but why shouldn’t someone get their vacation time pay.

    If the person did not take a vacation and he was allowed this,why not pay him or something has to be put in place where you have to take vacation time in a certain amount of time or it will be forfeited.

    That would make more sense

  3. Funny how public service employees never seem to use any sick days or vacation days.

  4. Amend the regulations to state if you don’t use your vacation days per year you will lose them.

  5. Regular employees for the County, both union and non-union, have to use their vacation days every year or they lose them.

    Not sure why this administrator was allowed to carry them over.

    Another affront to the victims in McCullom Lake.

  6. Such a great gig this character doesn’t need a vaca.?.

    Meanwhile my wife and I were just discussing, how she has been so stressed and under the ‘gun’ for so long this year.

    She will have to take some time off, if she wants to be effective, for her annual trip to Singapore.

    I just wonder how many Gov. slugs, have ever worked 16 hour days, as a part of their salary?

    Although we all know they are willing and able to ride those time clocks for that overtime.

    Public Employment is a joke!

  7. If they are sick or on vacation, they are just “out of the office on business” and don’t have to deduct or account for that because they are the department heads.

    That is a perk that has been happening for at least 30 years, ask their employees.

    They fly to Florida for a one day seminar at your expense and extend their stay for a week and who is the wiser?

    They don’t have a boss to watch over them because they are all in cahoots.

  8. Heard this tune before.

    Sgt.Greg Pyle (the pedophile that worked for Nygren).

    Nygren paid him for a year after being arrested.

    Said that PYle did not take a vacation for 10 years.

    Funny how his “vacation pay” ran out the day he was arrested the second time.

    This time by the Feds.

    Do you believe in fairy tales??

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