Joe Walsh Off the Air

Joe Walsh

Joe Walsh

Joe Walsh is nothing if not candid.

The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that WIND pulled the plug on his radio talk show last night after about two hours on the air.

The paper reports he tweeted:

 “Just got kicked off the air until further notice. Tried to have honest discussion about racist terms and management censored my language.”

And: “I’m trying to have an honest, adult conversations about words without resorting to alphabet soup phrases (C-word, N-word, etc).”

The conversation was about criticism of the Washington Redskins name.

= = = = =
Meanwhile Melissa Bean the three-term Congresswoman that Walsh defeated was named Chairwoman of the Midwest for J.P. Morgan.


Joe Walsh Off the Air — 26 Comments

  1. This is a free country and the first amendment protects suppression of speech from government, but not from radio station managers trying to save the station’s face after a broadcaster says the n-word in full on a live show.

  2. Freedom of Speech has never meant free of consequences.

    He was free to say it, his EMPLOYER is also free to fire, suspend, etc. him.

  3. Hate to agree with Inish but it is true.

    When are you people ever going to really read the Constitution.

    We have freedom of speech BUT with so many speech restrictions we really don’t.

    Laws are passed to prevent that.

  4. So voter, you are opposed to DNC lists by the FCC, the inability to scream ‘FIRE!’ in a movie theatre and defamation statutes?

    C’mon – holding free speech to an ideologically pure platitude is akin to the one drop rule.

    Walsh should be held accountable and those receiving his support reconsider their direct association with him.

    And I’m full well aware of the context by which he made racially charged statements, but you can have an adult conversation about race in the US without explicitly stating the n-word.


  5. Doesn’t the FCC in general negate free speech?

    For me, slander and libel cause damage to somebody and yelling fire in a theater is a threat to safety, (threatening somebody would be another example of unprotected speech) but I’m not too concerned over the vulgarities themselves.

    I thought Walsh actually brought up a good point.

    What slurs are acceptable?

    The FCC knows.

  6. Just to clarify what I meant by “the FCC negating free speech” was that it isn’t the forces of a free market (employers) making a decision, like some people say.

    The FCC regulates words.

    If the FCC weren’t banning words, there’s no guarantee that employers would suspend or fire people for using them, so making the “markets react” argument doesn’t quite work.

  7. You are mistaken, Joe. The FCC does not ban words.

    From their website: “…the FCC must know the context when analyzing whether specific, isolated words or images are obscene, indecent or profane.”

    CONTEXT is important; Like I said before, “…I’m full well aware of the context by which [Joe] made racially charged statements, but you can have an adult conversation about race in the US without explicitly stating the n-word.”

    And to your question, what ‘slurs,’ are acceptable, I would point you to this article chiding the Redskins where contextually, they use satire and a slur to drive a larger point home about pejorative/indecent language.,34292/

    FCC Source:

  8. Using derogatory disrespectful racial words to describe blacks, Hispanics, or any race during a broadcast or at any time is off limits.

    Those words are in a whole different league than Redskins.

    Joe was trying to make a comparison but he crossed a line.

    Although he was apparently not using the words in a mean or spiteful way, those words are off limits.

    The GM did the right thing.

    Joe made a bad decision and suffered the consequence.

  9. Give me a break, Mark.

    Who died and made you king?

    Although I understand where you’re coming from, you are dead wrong.

    Why are you wrong?

    Because you sheepishly have bought into the liberal party line.

    They determine what is “crossing the line” and what isn’t.

    Joe Walsh’s point was precisely that.

    Who makes “Mark” or anyone else determine what “the line” is?

    A free country doesn’t do that.

  10. So, if you’re offended by “Redskins”, don’t go to the games or buy their merchandise.

    That’s called the free market.

    But, to have the Government enforce their personal sense that the “line has been crossed” by removing personal ownership of the name/image – that’s called TYRANNY.

  11. Whites are not allowed to say such things.

    The Constitution was shredded long ago. Our Great Leader has a kill list.

    Our masters have decreed it. The White genocide unfolds ……. but push people too far, and you’ll get a reaction.

    We’re not that far from it now

  12. Mark did not anoint himself King.

    Mark is not wrong.

    Mark is not right.

    Mark and everyone has an opinion.

    The GM of AM 560 WIND is not a liberal, yet he determined Walsh crossed the line.

    Has nothing to do with being a liberal or conservative.

    Has nothing to do with white or any race.

    Has nothing to do with the Constitution.

    Has nothing to do with our Great Leader.

    Has to do with what a person deems respectful or not.

    The words Walsh used were not respectful or appropriate.

    There are lots of words that are not respectful or appropriate.

    The problem Walsh encountered was not because he used the word Redskin.

    It was the other derogatory and inflammatory words he chose to use.

  13. You all have swallowed the whole thing.

    Your personalities are all ingrained with the hogwash.

    You are all arguing political correctness.

    And THAT is NOT a free country.

  14. Most people refrain from racial epitaphs out of respect as opposed to political correctness.

    You can be respectful of races and live in a free country.

  15. The only people allowed to use the N word are Rappers…….if no one can say or even think about that word, ( however it is used ) why can Rappers use it ?

    The 3 most controversial subjects…….Race, Religion, Politics……..

    Walsh Unplugged, just unplugged himself.

  16. Clearly people did not listen to what Joe said.

    There is a double standard in our society.

    If I am black I can drop the word and no one thinks twice… if I am white… I am the devil.

    Joe is on the air tonight – ratings will be through the roof.

    Those who are ignorant will claim racism – those who listen to what was said will be forced to think.

  17. Boy oh boy…Those amendments to the Constitution are only mean to stop GOVERNMENT from infringing upon those wonderfully written Bill of Rights.

    WGN is not the g’vment.

    Each and everyone of those Rights have limitations so as to balance that right against the freedoms and liberties of others (hence libel, slander, etc.).

    Seems like the FCC had zero to do with this…it was a management decision made by the one in charge.

    No death knell to the almighty First Amendment here folks–just someone who thought the world was progressive enough to tolerate some deliberately uttered ‘taboo’ words.

    That is all.

  18. Mark, you are comical.

    You either are too inane to understand or you’re too political to understand reason.

    The point isn’t that “Mark” and other “PC police” think that “Redskins” or any other term if offensive….it’s that people like YOU think they can determine what the rest of us can or cannot say.

    Do you get that?

    Even if you disagree with that argument, do you understand the rationale?

    If don’t you’re hopeless: I think sadly it is the latter.

    You agree with the PC police.

    You are they.

  19. I thinks the real test is, if the yahoos on this blog are so outraged over censorship of Joe Walsh, how about you racists make a post with then n-word spelled out and the racial slur for Mexicans/Latinos/Hispanics along with why you think white people should be able to use these words in a civil discussion.

    Summarily, I’ll prove to you how quick a blog can get shut down for hate speech or disparaging speech.

  20. I presume, Fairplay, you are including me as one of the “Yahoos”.

    I want you to know that I think the n-word or similar horribly offensive words should never be said on air by anyone at any time.

    They are more offensive than most swear words which have the same on air limitation.

    What “most of the Yahoos” find more offensive is the fact that there are people who feel comfortable determining WHICH words those are and WHICH new ones can be included into that group.

    There are people who wish to add “Redskins” to that offensive group.

    Fairplay, before you disparage the “Yahoos”, the question to you is this: WHO, exactly, determines whether “Redskins” is off limits?

    Should “Yahoo” be next?

  21. Joe is still on the air.

    Dan Proft’s audience will now become much smaller.

  22. Yesterday, Joe found out who his real friends are.

    We also identified those so-called Republicans who willingly threw Joe ‘under the bus”.

    Thank you Joe for the honest discussion.

    People who use the word the racist and bigot so freely are no different than those who use other derogatory words to describe people.

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