Bull Valley Speed Trap on Route 120

There is probably more than one place on Route 120 that Bull Valley Police use to raise revenue for the sales tax-starved municipality.

Rt 120 + Greenwood Rd,+ Chatham

A bit east of the intersection of Greenwood Road and Route 120 where 120 turns east is a street called Chatham Lane. It is shielded by trees where it enters Route 120, a perfect location for the Bull Valley Police to lie in wait for speeders.

But twice this month I have seen a car using Chatham Lane, a street from a subdivision that enters Route 120 from the south not far from the intersection of Greenwood Road and Route 120 as a place to check speeds of vehicles on Route 120.

BV Police Stopon 120  from Chatham

This truck must have been going over the 55 MPH speed limit.


Bull Valley Speed Trap on Route 120 — 8 Comments

  1. If your not speeding and you obey the rule of law you won’t have to worry.

    I see too many rude drivers speeding, not stopping at signs and almost hitting pedestrians.

  2. Bull Valley Police have one of the highest per officer tickets issued in the state.

    They have a reputation for heavy enforcement.

    Most local residents are very carful to drive very conservatively to avoid paying the Bull Valley tax.

  3. I don’t think I’ve ever had a speeding ticket in 40 years until last July. I-30 Texas State goof gave me an alleged 84 in a 75.

    State Jury Fund $4.00
    Judicial Support $6.00
    Traffic Fine $3.00
    Moving Violation $0.10
    DPS Arrest Fee $5.00
    JCS $1.00
    JCTF $4.00
    Court Cost $40.00
    State Traffic Fee $30.00
    State Indigent Fee $2.00
    TAF $3.00
    CHS $3.00
    DDC $9.90

    It’s not about revenue?

    Are you people nuts?

    Oddly, it reminds me of a McHenry County Property Tax Bill with different handouts needed.

    And what exactly did this ticket teach me?

    1.) I need snappier putdowns to the usual cop questions like where are you coming from? I say “none of your business”. I need better putdowns to these freeloaders of my Tax Dollars.

    2.) That I could take the Defensive Driving Course in one day from the comfort of my office. I think I got a total of 1 wrong out of 8 tests taken. Just a ridiculous waste of time.

  4. The real problem is the abuse if Justice.

    the car driver is presumed guilty by the courts, which only weakens the public faith and support of our justice system.

  5. Safety in Bull Valley, REALLY

    How safe are those tinted windows on the patrol cars at night…..definitely limits the officers visibility at night.

    How safe are the roads that the striping paint is not visible…negligence on their part

    The roads are Barely drivable, and would never meet IDOT standards

  6. I live off a 30 MPH road where drivers routinely drive 45 – 60, pass where they shouldn’t and generally tailgate anyone doing the speed limit.


    Because there is almost no enforcement.

    A few tickets over here would sound very fair to me.

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