Steve Reick Endorsed by Taxpayer Group

A press release from Republican State Rep. candidate Steve Reick:

Steve Reick Endorsed by Tax Accountability

After his speech State Rep. candidate Steve Reick was seen talking to Brian Kelly.

After his speech at the Pro-Life Pig Roast, State Rep. candidate Steve Reick was seen talking to Brian Kelly.

Harvard, IL – Republican candidate for IL General Assembly is endorsed by political action arm of Taxpayers United of America.

Steven Reick, the Republican candidate who is challenging 8-term incumbent Jack Franks for the Illinois General Assembly in the 63rd District has received the endorsement of Tax Accountability, the political action arm of Taxpayers United of America.

“I’m grateful to Tax Accountability for its support,” said Reick, “and pledge to do whatever I can to lessen the tax burden on the people of Illinois.”

A tax attorney for over 30 years, he opposes any attempt to move Illinois to a progressive income tax, and will push for comprehensive reform covering all sources of state revenue.

In addition, he supports rolling back and capping property taxes as a means to force the State to confront its over-spending.

Taxpayers United of America is the largest taxpayer protection organization in Illinois with over 33,000 members and supporters.

“The State of Illinois raised billions in additional taxes with its 2010 rate increase, but all we ever hear about is the need for more,” said Reick.

“The only way to get our economy back on track is to have a tax system that encourages job creation and growth. That will be my primary objective.”


Steve Reick Endorsed by Taxpayer Group — 7 Comments

  1. NTU all the way!

    Let me be “Frank” ….. McHenry Co. needs Reick!

  2. Gee…. Lower taxes, cap property taxes, and oppose the progressive tax…..

    Where have I heard that before? …..

    OH YEAH! Jack Franks!

  3. Property tax caps are a brilliant solution to the problem of plummeting property values in most of McHenry County.

    Tax rate is tax amount divided by home value. As the numerator (tax amount) rises, or the denominator (home value) falls, the rate goes higher.

    Throughout the recession of 2008-present, while taxing bodies across the world tightened their belts, local schools and governments here consistently taxed homeowners more each year.

    Homes taxed at over 3.5% of home value cannot retain value when property tax rates all over the country are closer to 1.15%.

    Based on recent history, there can be no logical expectation that tax amounts will ever go down rather than up.

    There is also no logical basis to assume that property values will ever rise against the trend, as owning a property in this county means assuming a rising burden of annual taxes and apportioned public debt.

    Therefore, limiting the amount of property tax to some percentage of property value is the only way to arrest the alarming downward spiral in home prices.

  4. Frank: You may have heard that from Franks but along with Franks you get Madigan.

  5. Franks has introduced bills to cap property taxes, but at least one of them made it so that it only applied to counties of a certain population.

    Something like that isn’t going to pass (possibly due to the fact that it excludes so many Illinoisans) and I almost wonder if he’s introducing bills like that which rile up his constituents by making him look like a crusader for the common man even though he knows full well they have no chance of passing.

    He’s used that 300,000 metric in other bills too.

    There are only about four or five counties with that high of a population, and McHenry has the lowest of the ones with over that amount.

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