A Different Layout

Yesterday, readers saw how the Northwest Herald presented the photos of McHenry County Sheriff’s candidates Jim Harrison and Bill Prim.

Harrison’s was on top with his name appearing multiple times.

For those who did not catch it, here’s all of Sunday’s front page that would fit on my scanner:

NWH Prim v Harrison paper version 9-28-14

And, below is the way the electronic version of the paper on Monday displayed the two photos:

What people saw when they looked at Sunday's Northwest Herald.

What people saw when they looked at Sunday’s Northwest Herald.


A Different Layout — 16 Comments

  1. I was reading the comments on the online NWH rag.

    What a bunch of morons. “mchenry county doesn’t need a tank”.

    I did not know the county owned a “tank”.

    The county has two armored vehicles to protect officers from bullets and explosives.

    The vehicles have no offensive weapons unless you drive over someone.

    Brinks uses armored vehicles to protect their employees and the money they carry.

    Why shouldn’t we protect are officers during a gunfight.

    People like goofy Gus think the county is driving Abrams tanks down the street and firing shells into buildings.

    Then the deputies are going to take everyone’s guns away.

    You liberals are all frickin nuts !

  2. Here is a news flash:

    This morning Harrison is blaming the Northwest Herald for misreporting the results in the survey poll.

    Harrison went to say and I will quote him:

    At close, the actual results were Harrison 43% Prim 38% and 20% undecided .

    Call the NWH and ask for John or Jason and ask them to publish a FRONT PAGE

    Wow what I devious plan you have Harrison.

    You want a FRONT PAGE news flash that you won the North West Herald all important poll. l.o.l.

    You and your wife were all over your site begging people to vote on the survey over and over again.

    I didn’t see Prim desperate or asking his supporters to do that.

    He only posted the article.

    This new antic of Harrison only shows how desperate he is and he can not run on his qualifications.

    His MAIN purpose is to WIN at anything even the non important NWH poll.

    It really shows how ARROGANT and EGOTISTICAL Jim Harrison really is.

    Arrogant: an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities (sounds like Harrison)

    Egotistical: Excessively absorbed in oneself. (sounds like Harrison)

    Vote for Bill Prim

    The man who knows the meaning of integrity and practices it.

    Prim will win because of his desire to serve the people of our County and with his background and qualifications he can do just that.

  3. It looks like a Harrison plan.

    I looked and you were right voter.

    Harrison EVEN gave out the phone number and people, his contacts, to talk to.

    Can’t you talk to anyone in the survey department?

    Why do you have to ask only these two people?

    Again when I read the original article I did notice that Harrison does NOT want a UnderSheriff.

    Boy talk about Harrison being arrogant.

    He thinks he can do things all by himself.

    You can’t be he thinks so much of himself he wants no direction or help from anyone.

    Prim gets my vote

    Front Page Retraction how dumb

  4. If the Northwest Herald had put the pictures side by side, it would have demonstrated neutrality.

  5. We all know that the Herald will endorse Harrison.

    Why they would be for Harrison is beyond my understanding.

    As a paper they should turn the tide and support a winner like Prim.

    Could this be a set up between the paper and Harrison. Maybe, maybe not but it does sound fishy.

    Makes me wonder why Harrison gives out the exact number to call and then tells you to only ask for a John or Jason?

  6. Gus writes on the Northwest Herald website:

    First sentence in paragraph–>
    “A sheriff does not have to have law enforcement experience“

    Last sentence in the same paragraph–>
    “The best thing a sheriff or undersheriff with rusty skills can do is stay away from a crime scene”

    Confusing. It’s like saying qualify Harrsion, because that is the candidate of his choice.

    And, the next sentence is contradictory because it’s saying, however, he’s not qualified because he hasn’t been in law enforcement for years and his skills are rusty.

  7. I just read the NWH article Election Central 2014 where they ask Prim and Harrison questions.

    Prim answers questions directly and without twists and turns.

    Harrison on the other end turns answers which mislead the public


    Harrison stated ” I have worked 20 years in public service as a DEPUTY SHERIFF”

    now what part of that statement is a lie?

    The whole thing.

    Harrison was only employed by the Sheriff’s department as a deputy sheriff for a little over 7 years over 25 years ago.

    BUT with his tricky writing he adds a little slip and adds also worked as a special assistant (lawyer) Nygrens lawyer.

    So Harrison makes it sound like he has been a Sheriff for 20 years he is adding in the years as Nygrens attorney serving the public.

    Typical Harrison the lawyer will do,but a strategy that a lot of people see.

    Harrison is hoping that people won’t catch his wording.

  8. He is making it appear as if he is addressing the issues, while he is barely skimming over the issues.

    That is what Zinke did during the debate.

  9. What I would love to see is the public really getting to know the inter-workings of the Sheriff’s department.

    Know the daily routine of a patrol deputy and a deputy who works the jail and other units.

    Know what these men and women do.

    It is not an easy job.

    The ” Sheriff himself has a responsibility to the deputies, the citizens and all of the County boards.

    Ask any Police Chief or Sheriff in any County if they have time for what Jim Harrison wants to do and that is have a once a month ” Coffee with the Sheriff Event”

    Now I’m in no means saying that these men don’t care about the concerns of the citizens but good Lord, they have other obligations to address that effect the citizens.

    Big decisions.

    Harrison says he will be always available to take your calls and questions.

    Harrison a Sheriff’s job is NOT sitting at your desk all day like you do as an attorney.

    You Harrison have no idea and try talking to other real Sheriff’s and Police Chiefs.

    Don’t know how others feel but I for one do not want a Sheriff who holds tea parties and the next thing you’ll hear is Caroline will serve cookies.

    I want a professional man, a man who has the background to run the Sheriff’s department, I want a Sheriff who is concerned about the input of the community and want their involvement as Prim does.

    A person who wants to turn a Professional Department into a Tea Party is not my idea of a strong leader.

  10. Who, in God’s good Name, still reads, or relies on, that biased fishwrap?

    If the NWH ever got anything right ….. it would be by accident!

  11. I don’t like the Herald but I did want to see how Harrison was portraying
    himself to the public and that is why I wrote the above comments on what Harrison was up to.

  12. Well the cut of the paper is better fitted for pictures to be displayed vertically stacked as opposed to side by side given the fact that it has a greater length than width.

    Do you feel like the article itself was biased?

  13. Typical Harrison, The second comment which is posted is a direct quote from Harrisons Facebook page.

    He must have seen how wrong this was in asking his supporters to do his dirty work because he has now taken it off his Facebook (I have photos of the original post he made)and has Thanked the Herald for correcting the error.

    The Herald did not retract anything and say what Harrison has claimed.

    There was no front page retraction on what was reported by the NWH as Harrison wanted.

    You just don’t know what to believe from him.

    Thank you Bill Prim for running as Sheriff of our County.

    Prim a man who doesn’t hide from what he says, a man you can trust.

  14. Please read all the above comments which shows the true character of Jim Harrison.
    Also on 1/13/2014 at 9:35 a.m.

    Jim Harrison THREATENED bloggers.T

    he below is a direct quote from Harrison on Cal’s blog.

    “I have myself considered taking legal action when blog comments have crossed the line from fair comment to malicious defamation.


    So is Harrison, by his own comments, trying to intimidate people with a lawsuit?

    So if Harrison would be elected, do you want someone who threatens you with the lawsuit every time a person in the Sheriff’s department says something?

    So, who is a bully here?

    I would stick with Bill Prim.

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